Ballroom dancing differs from other activities of this kind with significant physical exertion, which the child's body must withstand. At the same time, according to the opinion of professional dancers and choreographers, it is best to start practicing ballroom dancing no later than 6 years old. It is up to this age that the child's potential can be revealed and, with the right approach, developed.

Ballroom dancing is an activity for full development
Experts find that ballroom dancing classes, especially for boys, are very beneficial. Firstly, it is a reasonable physical activity, and secondly, instilling taste, a sense of rhythm, musical ear, artistry, and so on. But there are other opinions as well.
Ballroom dancing: cons
Among the disadvantages of ballroom dancing, there is a large amount of time that a child must devote to classes in order to achieve good results. As a result, school performance and general well-being of the child may suffer. A boy who is forced to do a double load can quickly tire of such a lifestyle. Observe him: in agreeing to practice, is he really passionate about dancing or just wants to please his parents?
Ballroom dancing is quite expensive. Costumes, shoes, trips to master classes and competitions. All this can seriously affect the family budget. Think about whether you are ready for this.
Particularly painful and relevant for many boys is the question of how "masculine" this kind of occupation is. A person who thinks in stereotypes can call dances a "non-male" occupation, and therefore, one should not listen too much to his opinion. But alas, such people are often the majority. Be prepared for "problematic" conversations with relatives, colleagues, peers of your child.
In ballroom dancing, there is one value - keeping the couple. It often happens that one of the partners moves to a more experienced, equal dancer or completely leaves the classes. Finding a new partner can be difficult. This affects the professional development of the child and his mental state. Be prepared to help him in the event of such a situation.
Ballroom dancing: the pros
Ballroom dancing will have a beneficial effect on your boy's health. It will develop such masculine qualities as endurance, the ability to concentrate and work in the system, will. In addition, the boy will develop a systematic attitude to his lifestyle and health. Due to the element of "competition", which is in this type of dance, the boy will develop the ability to set goals, to achieve them.
The physical form of the child will return to normal, he will withstand more loads than his peers who are not engaged in any vigorous activity. The child will be more active and mobile, less stressed. Ballroom dancing will also affect his self-esteem, self-confidence.
Children who have experience in public speaking are less susceptible to the influence of someone else's opinion, which means they are not notorious. Compared to other sports and dancing, ballroom dancing is the least traumatic.