Why Do Dancing People Dream

Why Do Dancing People Dream
Why Do Dancing People Dream

Usually dancing in a dream is a good sign. It is believed that dancing in a dream, as well as watching people dancing, lead to pleasant changes in life. However, psychologists say that dances in a dream are seen mainly by people who practice them in reality. In this case, such dreams are empty.

Dancing in a dream is a good sign
Dancing in a dream is a good sign

Dancing people. Miller's dream book

Dancing children in a dream are a harbinger of a happy marriage or a successful marriage. Dreamers watching dancing children in a dream may not worry about their family future: their family will be friendly, and their marriage will be happy. Dancing people portend dreamers with interesting leisure and simple work. If you dreamed of dancing pensioners, bright prospects are coming in business and business.

Freud's dream book: people dance in a dream

Sigmund Freud personifies this dream with intercourse. Two dancing people portend imminent sex in the dreamer's life. If you dreamed of a group dance (for example, a lambada), soon the sleeper will become a participant in depraved sexual games. To watch in a dream how someone dances very beautifully, and to get great pleasure from this, means the dreamer's incredible desire to try something unlawful, bypassing human morality and social norms.

If a couple dancing in a dream is same-sex, then in reality same-sex sex can occur. Perhaps the dreamer has long dreamed of trying new sensations in the intimate sphere, but is afraid of public condemnation. Curiously, Sigmund Freud sees nothing wrong with this. Moreover, he even pushes the dreamer to make all his unrealized sexual dreams and ideas come true!

Dancing. Esoteric dream book

Watching people dancing on stage in a dream means a kind of envy on the part of the dreamer. The fact is that he is surrounded by prosperous people whom he is terribly jealous of. If you do not stop in time, then you can be psychologically insane or fall into a deep depression. If you dreamed that dancing people do it in an apartment or in a house, family scandals, quarrels and squabbles are coming.

Loff's dream book: dancing

Sometimes you can see a dream of some people dancing to order. If this dance was ordered by the dreamer himself, then this indicates the corresponding attitude of the sleeping person to the people he saw. If elements of flirting are observed in the dances, or a frank sexual line is traced, then there are two options for interpretation: either the dreamer passionately desires one of the dancers, or he simply hates him.

Modern dream book: dancing people

It is fortunately for married couples to see children dancing and having fun. Their children will constantly delight their parents, they will grow up smart and obedient. Their house will be full of comfort and warmth. If young people see such a dream, then their life is fun and carefree! Elderly people dancing in a dream portend career growth and business success.
