Psychology And Education Of Boys And Girls 15-18 Years Old

Psychology And Education Of Boys And Girls 15-18 Years Old
Psychology And Education Of Boys And Girls 15-18 Years Old

It's time for early adolescence. All the processes of restructuring the body are already coming to an end, the teenager becomes more balanced and tactful, so that relations within the family are improving.

Psychology and education of boys and girls 15-18 years old
Psychology and education of boys and girls 15-18 years old

Along with increasing independence, many young men and women are already earning at this age, contributing to the family budget. The amount of attention that a teenager pays to the topic of love and relationships with the opposite sex is increasing. The basic rule here is not to interfere with the child's intimate life, letting him and his (or her) partner determine the development of their relationship.


What you should do:

1. Conduct a conversation with the child on the topic of sexual relations, illness, contraceptive measures (it is possible and necessary to start touching on this topic already when the child enters primary school). Yes, the conversation can be awkward and difficult, but it is required. Let your child know that he can always come up to you and ask any question.

2. Using examples, explain why early pregnancy is undesirable. You can remember mutual acquaintances, news on TV, and so on - anything will do.

The choice of life path is also an important issue. It is from him that the young man (or girl) pushes when making decisions; it is this choice that will become the center of the rotation of the teenager's interests.

Entering early adolescence, the child almost completely gains independence and independence. Now he already has some self-control and awareness of himself - hence the growing interest in literature and philosophy. He makes concrete plans for the future - idealized dreams and desires settle in the form of quite clear and achievable images.

The area of interest of the student is expanding - both in a figurative sense and in the most direct sense: along with new knowledge, a teenager acquires new acquaintances - sometimes very distant ones (he makes friends with students from other schools, cities, meets working people).

The time that a teenager spends on communication increases. In fact, almost all the time that he has, he spends on communication with peers and acquaintances. Actually, the role of parents is gradually decreasing.

And the last thing worth mentioning is depression. From 14 to 18 years of age, depression is quite frequent and especially dangerous, since adolescents tend to dramatize everything and sometimes decide on terrible things: suicide, murder, drug addiction … You are required to prevent this and provide support to your child. In general, if you teach your child trust from an early age, then such periods become almost painless: your son (or daughter) can talk about his problems and ask for help or advice.
