Gifted are children who demonstrate high achievements in intellectual, creative, sports activities. It is possible to determine the presence of giftedness in a baby under the guidance of a specialist, although there are general signs characteristic of such children.

Step 1
Gifted children tend to be ahead of their peers in a number of parameters. In the cognitive sphere, this manifests itself in extreme curiosity, the ability to observe several processes at the same time, to perceive connections between phenomena, to create alternative systems in the imagination. That is, such children are very curious, they actively learn about the world around them and react negatively to the limitations of their research activities.
Step 2
Also, giftedness is manifested in the child's ability to concentrate his attention on a certain matter for a long time, which is not typical for most children. Talented children have a large vocabulary, they are happy to read all kinds of encyclopedias and reference books. They are often distinguished by concentration, perseverance in solving problems, inventiveness, and rich imagination. Usually such children have a developed sense of humor and love jokes, funny inconsistencies, play on words.
Step 3
The duration of sleep in gifted children is less than the age norm. They start talking early, at the age of 2 they can already maintain a dialogue. At the age of three, they begin to read and solve simple problems. Gifted children often ask about the meaning of unfamiliar words. They are very concerned about issues of justice, they are critical of themselves and others. These children are observant, ready for unusual situations.
Step 4
At the same time, gifted children often lack emotional balance, they are distinguished by impatience, impetuosity, and hyperdynamics. They are characterized by exaggerated fears, increased vulnerability. Such children sometimes have low self-esteem, a tendency to depression. They may feel strange, feel misunderstood. Some gifted children are characterized by excessive shyness, it is extremely difficult for them to communicate with other children. They usually reach out to adults or older children. If the school curriculum does not correspond to the level of such a child, he will be bored in the classroom, it is very difficult to find motivation for him.