Talent, giftedness and genius are formed and developed on the basis of natural inclinations. Not all talented and gifted people are genius. The latter are the engine of civilization, are born extremely rarely. Due to the peculiarities of physiological processes, they often have low emotional intelligence.

The position of a person in society, his social status depends on the qualities of the individual. Everyone who strives for success dreams of becoming a genius or talented. Both concepts are associated with a person's abilities, giftedness.
What is genius?
This is the highest level of personality abilities and its creative manifestations. Brilliant people move progress, create a new era and make new discoveries. Coleridge said that genius is the ability to grow.
To this day, scientists cannot decide whether it is a superpower or is it a feature of the brain. According to Lavater's calculations, there is one genius in a million people. Some psychotherapists say that a set of certain qualities is a kind of insanity.
This personality trait is based on a very high level of giftedness and talent. They can manifest themselves in different activities. Examples of the most famous personalities:
- Leonardo da Vinci. He was not only an artist, but also an inventor and an architect.
- Giordano Bruno. He is an astronomer, poet and philosopher.
- Rene Descartes. Creator of Analytical Geometry, Physicist and Physiologist.
Genius begins to manifest itself in early childhood, there is a predisposition to self-expression. Over time, such individuals begin to stand out from the rest of the people due to outside the box thinking. They solve problems using innovative approaches. Thoughts are so unique that ordinary people do not think or assume the possibility of using them.
The signs include:
- always getting high results when performing any activity;
- the ability to quickly perform any mental or creative work;
- instant assimilation of information, the ability to immediately show it in practice;
- perseverance and perseverance that allow you to achieve the best results.
Such people do not doubt their genius, because they know exactly how to achieve their goals or change the world.
Genius, talent and giftedness
Talent is understood as a high level of development of abilities. Thanks to him, people get results that are notable for novelty. Examples are Lermontov, Pushkin, Borodin and others.
Unlike genius, talent manifests itself in concrete activity, arises in gifted children who have undergone active training. If in him inclinations are combined with inclinations, the child develops a desire to engage in activities in which he is most successful.
Talent is based on natural qualities or dispositions. They are manifested in the ear for music, the activity of the center of mathematical abilities, or in the speed of mental reactions. Unlike genius, it takes a lot of effort to develop talent. If a person was born with excellent inclinations, but does not show perseverance and hard work, then it will be very difficult for him to achieve success. According to some scientists, all children are born potentially talented. It depends only on their perseverance whether their potential natural gift turns into a real one.
Giftedness is associated with cognitive abilities: attention, memory, thinking. It involves a combination of several abilities, thanks to which a person can successfully do a certain job. Such people often succeed in their chosen business, receive positive assessments from others.
Giftedness, like talent, requires work on oneself. A person has to constantly improve his knowledge, make efforts to get a result. If you do not do this, then you can be left with nothing.
Giftedness is also special. In this case, the relationship between the internal potential, the characteristics of the psyche and a certain sphere is considered. The ratio is manifested not only in the abstract, but also in various events. As a result of the latter, human abilities are formed.
Thus, talent and giftedness are manifested if a person is engaged in self-development, has high efficiency and motivation. Genius manifests itself in early childhood, only a small number of people have it, it makes it possible to get good results in many industries, and not in narrow directions.
Genius and insanity
These two definitions were presented in detail in the book by G. V. Sigalin "Clinical archive of genius and giftedness." It presents reports and scientific works of psychologists and psychiatrists who communicated with persons who became famous in the world of literature and art.
If talented and gifted people quickly and easily adapt to social norms and roles, with genius, such skills are often absent or are manifested only at the level of inclinations. Because of this, this quality of a person and insanity are sometimes referred to as equivalent concepts.
The abilities that geniuses are endowed with are also characteristic of the mad. It:
- hypersensitivity;
- unconsciousness of creativity;
- quick mood swings;
- vanity.
There have always been madmen among genius people, but scientists say this is not the rule. Columbus, Galileo, Michelangelo and some other prominent personalities showed no signs of mental abnormalities. In addition, most of the latter appear after 35 years, but the genius is noticed even in childhood. Another subtlety described in psychology is that mainly men have the highest development of abilities, madness is more often found in women.
Physiological similarity:
- Many of the great thinkers, like the madmen, suffered from convulsive muscle contractions.
- Studies have shown that the usual composition of urine changes during manic attacks. The same is revealed after intensified mental studies.
- Pallor has always been considered an adornment of great people. Genius people, on a par with madmen, are characterized by: constant overflow of the brain with blood, intense heat in the head, cooling of the limbs.
Mentally unhealthy people, like thinkers, remain lonely, cold and indifferent almost throughout their lives. The similarity lies in low emotional intelligence, that is, the ability to understand, feelings and emotions of another person. All great and genius people cannot recognize emotions or show their own.
In conclusion, we note that the achievements of people of genius are often ahead of their time, so they often do not receive recognition from their peers or are persecuted. Because of this, there is a tendency to depression and neurosis. Gifted and talented people are more adaptive, they can easily communicate with friends, start families, so their life in society is easier. Their emotional intelligence is also more developed.