It has long been believed that an outstanding genius and talent is, first of all, a whim of nature, heredity. But do not forget about the strong impact on the newborn of the environment in which the infant enters immediately after birth, and education. How to organize the "right" environment in the family and what is needed to raise a child of genius?

Step 1
The results of studies of the physiology of the brain and child psychology indicate that the guarantee of the development of the mental abilities of children is their own experience of cognition in the first three years of life - a period of intensive development of brain cells. Modern research shows that by the age of three, the development of brain cells is 70-80% complete. This means that from the very birth of a child, parents need to focus their efforts on early brain development up to the age of three. This does not mean that it is useless to develop a child after this age. Mature abilities such as needs, thinking, feelings, creativity develop after three years, but they use the base that has already been formed by this age.
Step 2
Early development by no means involves force-feeding children with facts and figures. The main thing is to introduce new experiences "in time". Always be attentive to your child in order not to miss this moment and to help them master new experiences or information that interests him.
Step 3
In order for the baby to develop his potential, family members must become his mentor friends. Learn to listen patiently to your child. Answer his questions in detail, communicate kindly, and not in a commanding tone.
Step 4
Do not force your child to do something unwillingly, both in play and in school. The learning process should please him. Read and play together to keep him interested. Interest is one of the best stimulants in raising a baby, even if his attention sometimes jumps from one subject to another. The curiosity of children is limitless, but it is an important condition for understanding the world and is necessary for them for mental and intellectual development.
Step 5
Buy educational games, books and toys for your child. Hang posters with numbers and an alphabet, a map of the world, a multiplication table, etc. in the children's room or in the kid's play corner. At first, he will simply contemplate, and then he will start asking questions.
Step 6
Provide your child with a place for creativity: comfort for playing on the floor, convenience for sculpting and drawing at the table, a place for the exhibition of his crafts and drawings. For drawing, use finger paints as early as possible, and then crayons, brushes, pencils and felt-tip pens. Does your kid love to paint on wallpaper? Donate one wall in the room for his painting, but the other walls and furniture will remain clean.
Step 7
To understand what is of interest to the child and what he is capable of, offer him different games. Sometimes ordinary household items can become a baby's favorite toy. Do not feel sorry for pots if the child certainly wants to play with real utensils, not toys. Ensure there is a sufficient amount and variety of materials for creativity and construction (boxes, old things, threads, pebbles, etc.).
Step 8
Any achievement of the kid should be noticed and put on public display (the picture is framed and hung on the wall, a new craft or structure occupies a prominent place on the shelf, etc.).
Step 9
Stimulate your child's musical abilities, listen to classical and folk music with him, play improvised instruments, sing songs, etc.
Step 10
Support your child's interests and hobbies. Repeat to him that he is talented and he will succeed. This will give him strength and self-confidence. During the life of a child, there will be many more people who will criticize and doubt him, so he should feel that the parents' faith in his talent and ingenuity is not questioned.
Step 11
The versatile development of a child contributes to his success in many ways. Your task is to unobtrusively help him with a choice, if he himself cannot yet decide. Then the child will be able to focus on one thing, and as a result, his results will be higher.
Step 12
There are no ready-made formulas in the upbringing of children. Adapt the recommendations based on your child's characteristics. Give him a little more time, and you will feel how not only the baby's abilities are revealed, but also your own. After all, loving parents always develop with their child.