Some researchers believe that certain traits of genius are present in every child. However, the wrong upbringing, education or lifestyle often interferes with the development of genius in children. That is why it is important from the first days of a baby's life to help him reveal his abilities and develop them as much as possible.

Step 1
Start developing your child from birth. Turn on music of different genres to him, but not electronic, read as many kind books as possible, surround him with bright educational toys. Despite the fact that babies in the first months still do not understand words or some actions, they absorb your emotions from the very first minutes, react to mood, timbre of voice. All this will lay the foundation for further knowledge.
Step 2
Communicate with your child as much as possible. Thanks to this, you will be able to better know the character of your baby, recognize in time the inclinations to something, understand the train of his thoughts, and also explain things that he does not understand, because children are extremely curious. At the same time, it is very important to fully and fully answer the child's questions in order to help him form correct judgments about the world around him and relations between people.
Step 3
Open up as many new activities and knowledge for him as possible. Show him different sports and arts, musical genres, or talk about science. Perhaps he will have a desire to do some kind of art, and he will be able to discover in himself a unique talent in any area.
Step 4
Try not to restrict your child in activities that do not harm him or those around him. So, painting on the walls may well become a prerequisite for an artist's talent. Just channel his inclinations in the right direction.
Step 5
Spend as much time with your child as possible, even though it can be difficult at times. Try even to watch cartoons together, so that you can discuss them later and teach the kid to draw the necessary conclusions. At the same time, do not prevent him from exploring the world on his own.
Step 6
Tell your child that he is smart, loved, and talented. Quite often, genius does not develop from natural shyness, or lack of support from loved ones. But isolation often accompanies genius. Of course, with constant deuces in the diary, it is not recommended to praise the child because of laziness. In this case, you can tell him not to pretend, because in fact he can achieve a lot if he tries.
Step 7
Develop originality in the child, because genius also lies in inventing something new, different from the existing one. For this, it is very important not to interfere with the child's self-expression, of course, under your supervision.