A recent trip to Israel prompted me to write this article. I drew attention to one small, but very significant difference in the upbringing of children in Jewish families and ours. I share my conclusions.

There is a belief that Jews are a very intelligent people. My thesis: Jews do not differ from any other people by their special innate intellect. The difference is in upbringing. Yes Yes. It is in education. They raise their children to be brilliant. They lay a genius beginning in them, that is, from infancy, a child constantly hears, when addressed to him, that he is a genius. Just think about it … How many opportunities such a position gives a child! A small person grows confident in himself, his strength. He is not scolded for some mistake. They simply do not pay attention to her or calmly explain how it was necessary to do the right thing. At the same time, he is constantly praised for any correct and active step.
What makes a smart parent this way? He motivates his child to work, experiment and develop. The little man lives with the feeling that everything he does is brilliant! This imposes a certain responsibility on him. For example, it is useless for a genius child to study badly, to get a deuce with a genius mind, or not to understand some rule. Since you are a genius, you must constantly confirm this. We are proud of you and believe in you.
How is it customary to bring up our children? I'll make a reservation right away - not all parents treat their children this way. Not all. We also have parents who are smart and think a few steps ahead, who know about the power of suggestion and the importance of laying the foundation in a person from infancy.
Unfortunately, sometimes we hear this (from overheard in playgrounds, in shops and public transport):
On this, perhaps, I will stop. While I was writing, it became the worst. And if for a second imagine yourself in the place of a child who hears all this? Moreover, he sees the angry face of his beloved parent? … Just think, what happens to the child's psyche? After what has been said, will he know that moving forward is good? That the world is friendly? That any of his undertakings will be supported and he will succeed? Or will he go to drink beer with companions, because there is a conviction in his head that he is worthless and unlucky?..
We forget, we cross out all such demotivators from our vocabulary. Instead, we cultivate the habit of praising and supporting the child.
Below are the phrases that make our children strong, courageous, positive, active, thinking, caring - brilliant:
I don’t know about you, but such words cause a warm smile on my face, a desire to do and … happiness. Instill, dear parents, your children with the desire to live and love! And your children will grow up to be brilliant!
If you continue the list of motivating phrases in the comments, you will be of great help to parents, who, for a start, for training, really need good examples.