What Is Vorafilia

What Is Vorafilia
What Is Vorafilia

Some call vorafilia a form of psychological disorder. Someone considers her an ordinary fetishism. One way or another, vorarefils are completely harmless people, although, judging by their fantasies, it is difficult to believe it.

What is vorafilia
What is vorafilia

What is vorafilia?

Vorafilia or vorarephilia (vorare - from Latin "to devour") is one of the varieties of erotic fetish. In Russian, this phenomenon has many names: thief, vorophilia, vorafilia, vorarephilia. It is based on the desire to be eaten alive, or to eat another person, or to watch one individual eat another. However, all this happens exclusively in fantasy, and not in reality.

Vorafilia has nothing to do with cannibalism and does not apply to the real life of a person.

A vorarephilic act always presupposes the presence of at least two participants: (prey) prey and (pred) predator. In the mind of a vorafil, any creature that is eaten can be a victim, and a predator can be any absorber. It does not matter at all who these creatures are by nature. In fact, any living organism can play one of these roles. Some vorafils make up absolutely incredible combinations in their fantasies: from people, animals, aliens, mythological characters, movie heroes and so on. And the whole process of eating takes place in completely unthinkable places: from city hospitals to lawns in the park.

Vorafil features

All vorafilia manifests itself in different ways. Much depends on the vorafil's imagination. Usually, a person encounters such an inexplicable attraction at an early age. Then it does not leave him all his life.

People with vorafilia have noticed a genuine interest in the structure of the digestive system. They would like to know how the process of digestion of food proceeds in all details. Such people are turned on by the scenes of cannibalism in films and books. There, however, each vorafil's fantasies develop according to their own special scenario. For some, they are combined with sexual ones, while others, on the contrary, try to make a sharp distinction between them. In some cases, vorafilia completely replaces sexual desire.

In general, all vorafils can be divided into three groups:

- those who prefer exclusively human vore (a person eats a person);

- those who prefer the presence of animals in fantasies;

- those who put in the place of a victim or a predator mainly characters that do not exist in reality.

Many vorafils tend to keep, for example, pictures of bound women boiling in a cauldron, videos of scenes of child abuse, eating animals alive, and so on.