Spitting up milk or formula is quite common. This usually happens if the rules for feeding an infant are violated. If your baby spits up profusely after eating, then you should think about and look for the cause of this phenomenon.

In newborn babies, the digestive organs are still imperfect. They begin to work normally after a while, when they tune in to a certain diet. The stomach and intestines grow, the sphincters become strong. Regurgitation is an unfavorable factor that in the future can lead to the development of diseases of the digestive tract.
Causes of regurgitation
- the child's stomach is still too small, it cannot contain the volume of food that enters it;
- when the body is tilted, the sphincter does not hold food in the stomach cavity;
- if the feeding technique is violated, then in the process of eating air is swallowed;
- increased excitability of the child;
- non-compliance with the feeding regime.
How to get rid of regurgitation
Regurgitation that is unrelated to organ malformations can be successfully prevented. It is important to form a suitable feeding regime for your baby. Follow your pediatrician's recommendations for the interval between feedings. Some mothers give milk to the baby as soon as he demands it, this is not right. Your baby’s stomach will work well if it’s fed at the same time. Immediately after the baby has eaten, hold him upright for 15-20 minutes. This position will allow the air trapped in the stomach to escape. This is good at preventing regurgitation. It is important to be able to properly latch the baby to the breast.
The volume of milk, water at one time should be strictly dosed according to age. The baby's stomach simply will not accept excess food. Due to the strong stretching of the walls of the stomach, regurgitation will occur. Sometimes mothers, in order to calm a crying baby, immediately apply it to their chest. This behavior leads to the formation of complexes, one of which is regurgitation. When a baby cries, his nervous system is agitated and he spits up. Frequent attachment to the breast in order to calm the crying of the baby forms a conditioned reflex. After that, it is possible that the baby will spit up even when feeding in a calm state.
If mom can eliminate the causes leading to regurgitation, the digestion process will return to normal. The baby will gain weight well and feel great. In case of regular repetition of profuse regurgitation, if all recommendations are followed and any possible causes are excluded, consult a doctor. If a medical examination reveals a malformation of the digestive system, then urgent help may be required.