“If the bride leaves for another, it is not known who is lucky,” the singer sang in an old hit. The words are generally correct, but since you have decided that this particular girl should become your wife, make every effort to this. Moreover, it is not so hopeless as it might seem at first glance. There are no fortresses that do not surrender, the question is what forces are you willing to throw to an assault or siege.

Step 1
If you are afraid that your chosen one might leave you, never ask her about it. By allowing such a possibility, you thereby lower yourself in her eyes, which is categorically unacceptable.
Step 2
Take action as early as possible. First of all, see if the girl is surrounded by your allies. If available, talk to them. You do not need to ask direct questions, it is enough that the conversation will touch on the topic of interest to you.
Step 3
If there are no such allies, take a closer look, perhaps someone can be attracted to your side. Even if they don't help you in any way, staying on top of things is half the battle.
Step 4
With the information, you can make every effort to resemble as much as possible the image of the husband that your chosen one created. As a rule, women are much more pragmatic than the stronger sex thinks. The required minimum is a breadwinner, protector, caring father. These qualities are not even discussed, they should be, as they say, by default. If there is a fear that the girl has not yet discerned this in you, let your ally from the environment of your beloved tactfully draw her attention to them.
Step 5
If it is not possible to use information from the environment, talk about literature, cinema, theater. In her attitude towards the heroes of the works, the girl will unmistakably give you her priorities. Only know how to listen and, accordingly, draw conclusions. How much you can match this or that character is a question of your desires and capabilities.
Step 6
It should be remembered that a girl subconsciously looks for a husband after the model of her dad. Take a closer look at the father of your counterpart and evaluate how you are like him and how you differ. In general, contact with parents, if not a guarantee of success, then will not hurt, for sure.
Step 7
If all your efforts have led nowhere, it is worth considering - is the object of your lust worth the expended energy? It is strongly not recommended to sort things out, be rude, threaten, obsessively stalk. This type of action can only contribute to the final breakdown of relations.