Breaking up with a loved one is always difficult. And it doesn't matter why it happened: the girl fell out of love with you or went on a "free voyage". If you had sincere feelings, the pain of leaving will “undermine” you for a long time from the inside, but you can try to do so to speed up the process of “recovery”.

Step 1
First of all, try to get rid of anything that reminds you of your ex. Psychologists are sure that love trauma must be treated in the same way as, for example, drug addiction. And this implies a complete absence in your life of even a hint of everything that was associated with the girl: joint photos in the photo album, gifts, random calls, trips to establishments where you could meet her by chance. It is imperative to delete her email address, a link to a personal page on social networks, an ICQ and a mobile phone number, so that in moments of regret about what you have lost you would not be tempted to contact her. Yes, it will not be easy, but this is the first step towards inner freedom.
Step 2
During a breakup, a girl can offer to “stay friends” with a sweet smile. In no case do not agree to this offer if you feel that you still continue to love her. Such self-deception will only increase and prolong your suffering. If you feel that you are interested in a girl not only as a potential life partner, but also as a person, suggest postponing this conversation for a year or two. Give yourself time to recover from your loss.
Step 3
Periodically, you are covered with a wave of despair and are drawn to get drunk and cry to your friend in the waistcoat? Pull yourself together, such actions will only aggravate your emotional state. It's no secret that alcohol reduces the ability to think soundly and has an extremely negative effect on willpower. You yourself will not notice how, after another can of beer, your hand itself will reach for the phone. In addition, once again complaining to your friend about the fate of the villainous, you, thereby, seriously risk "getting stuck" in negative emotions. Therefore, try to close the topic of complaints as soon as possible.
Step 4
Having freed your living space from drinking and whining, you should think about increasing physical activity. When you feel that the mood is at zero - it's time to arrange a jog in the nearest park, kilometer swims or bicycle races. During intense exercise, the body increases the level of serotonin and endorphins, which are responsible for well-being and help to look at the world more optimistically. Soon, you yourself will not notice how the pain of separation has passed, making room for a new relationship.