Although they say that today in relations between a man and a woman, a sober calculation takes an increasing place, nevertheless, many marriages are still concluded for love. However, even people who love each other often have misunderstandings, too frequent quarrels begin, which lead to the fact that the man leaves the family.

A woman who used to have many complaints about her husband, after his departure, often wakes up, realizes that she made many mistakes and begins to make efforts to bring him home.
It is believed that the main reason for a man's departure is an affair on the side, however, this is not always the case. Often the reasons for the breakup are the inability of the spouses to find a common language, lack of mutual understanding, the difference in the level of education and breadth of horizons, the inability or unwillingness to compromise.
Sometimes a marriage is doomed from the start. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose a life partner from your social environment. If a girl successfully defended her Ph. D. thesis, and the young man barely mastered the 9th grade program, they are unlikely to be able to live happily ever after. The differences between them are too great.
However, adultery as a reason for leaving the family, unfortunately, is also not uncommon. However, it does not just happen. If a man meets only constant reproaches and misunderstandings in the family, he willy-nilly begins to strive for where, as it seems to him, he is loved and understood. Having learned about her husband's betrayal, you should not make him scandals and throw tantrums. In this way, it can only be repulsed.
If a man has left the family, do not despair. First you need to try to pull yourself together and calmly think about the current situation. First of all, it is worth answering the question: is it necessary to return it? If a husband and wife have nothing in common, different interests and outlooks on life, then it is probably not worth trying to return him just in order not to be left alone.
However, if the house with his departure was empty, it lacks a truly close and beloved person, and the wife realized that she herself was in many ways wrong and was ready to work on herself, she should fight for her husband. True, this will take a lot of patience. If he left for another and is going through a period of passionate love, the suffering of his ex-wife is unlikely to touch him. Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that everything is lost to her. Passion will subside over time, the veil will fall from the eyes, and all the shortcomings of the new lover will become completely obvious.
If the husband left for a younger and more beautiful rival, this does not mean at all that the situation is completely hopeless. There are many examples when, tired of the whims of a young beauty, a man returns to a loving and devoted wife.
While this has not yet happened, the abandoned wife should take care of her appearance and, if possible, update her wardrobe. You need to try to become as attractive as possible. At the same time, you do not need to withdraw into yourself. On the contrary, it is worth being in public as often as possible, attracting the attention of men. It is good if the husband finds out that his wife is successful. If his feelings for her have not yet died out completely, the feeling of possessiveness will not allow him to lose her.
Contact with him should not be avoided. Only you need to communicate calmly, without complaints and reproaches, you should not ask your husband to return home. He must make this decision himself. If he makes claims, you need to calmly listen to them and admit your mistakes, if they really were. Let the man understand that it is not an evil fury that awaits him at home, but a caring and loving woman.
If you still did not succeed in returning your husband, you should focus your efforts on finding a more worthy, loving and understanding life partner.
After a while, you can try to meet with him. Better if it happens at home. You can ask him for help: for example, to repair something. Do not put pressure on him, it is better to cook his favorite dish, watch TV together, play with the children. It is possible that the man will realize that he has returned to his house and will no longer want to leave it. The main thing is not to repeat your previous mistakes in the future.