A person who has confessed his love expects a response from the object of his feelings and, of course, expects reciprocity. Otherwise, no one would have uttered these words. But what if it's scary to even start talking about your affection?

Step 1
Analyze what exactly you are afraid of, admit your feelings or that you will be rejected. If the very fact that you have fallen in love with someone scares you, work on yourself, find the pluses of the current situation. If you are afraid of rejection, do not rush to declare your love, observe the behavior of your chosen person. If he (she) accepts your signs of attention, shows mutual sympathy, then it is highly likely that words about love are desirable and will be received favorably.
Step 2
Play in your head all the possible scenarios after your confession. The object of your feelings may surprise or wait for your words, be happy or upset, reciprocate or reject you. Try to be a mathematician, draw a tree of possible scenarios, prepare words that are appropriate in each case. Estimate the likelihood of a particular outcome occurring. After such detailed preparation, it will be easier for you to start a conversation, if, of course, you are a person with a mathematical mindset, and there is no place for spontaneity in your life.
Step 3
Think about the fact that you have nothing to lose, but you can gain a lot. Imagine - now there is you and only you. But after recognition, there is a possibility that you and the object of your affection will be. And in case of refusal, you still will not go anywhere, you will simply remain “you and only you”.
Step 4
Throw out of your mind all thoughts of previous failed experiences of declaration of love, they only bother you. In addition, different situations and human relationships cannot be compared. This time everything is different, and how everything goes depends only on you.
Step 5
Take the opportunity to confess your love through communication or non-verbal forms of communication. They help naturally shy people to fully open up. Send an SMS, email, or skype the person. Despite the territorial remoteness of the object of feelings, recognition can be made no less romantic and touching than in real life, but this will give you the opportunity to stay in a comfortable environment for you, abstract from external stimuli.