Starting to experience feelings towards a person that go beyond ordinary sympathy, I want to understand my relationship and understand whether love is mutual. This is so important, because sometimes passionate love turns out to be just a passion, or even just a pretense.

Learn to distinguish love from falling in love. When in love, the partner is endowed with all kinds of virtues, even non-existent ones, and is idealized. However, falling in love is a short-term passing feeling that lasts no more than three years. Therefore, it is at this period that the peak of partings falls. Love, unlike falling in love, is a long-term and more stable feeling. It is based on a good understanding and knowledge of the partner, as well as acceptance of him as a person with flaws and merits. True love, contrary to popular belief, is not blind: it is possible only with a deep knowledge of a person. If initially the person did not appear to us as he is in reality, disappointment will inevitably arise. One should also distinguish love from passion, which can be both an integral part of love and manifest independently. In passion there is an unbridled sexual desire, which is a leading part of all interactions of a couple. Passion overshadows reason, does not obey social norms, and makes you commit reckless reckless acts. It is a kind of madness that grips the human soul. This phenomenon is also short-lived. It will begin to fade sooner or later. And then relationships built on passion become impossible, people part, losing mutual interest. Love is based on the commonality of life views, priorities, interests and attitudes. It arises when partners are interested in being around. Therefore, one of the clear signs of love is the desire to spend a lot of time together. At the same time, we are not only talking about noisy parties, visiting clubs and similar events, but more about the moments when people are pleased to discuss various matters, just talk to each other. Loving people show continuous concern for each other, show signs of attention, try to make life easier for a loved one. The one whose love is genuine will not flaunt or reproach his efforts. Another telltale sign that you are loved is your partner's constant desire to touch you. Here we are talking about a simple bodily contact that conveys the warmth of your body, heart to your beloved. A light touch is the physical equivalent of "I love you." Loving people are interested in the life of their beloved. They wonder how their day went, what made the other half happy or upset. Indicators of trust and love can also include a person's desire to share their experiences with others.