The issues of obtaining citizenship are of concern to all parents living and giving birth outside the country. Here the Turkish (Kurdish) dad is calm - the child acquires Turkish citizenship by birth. And where should mom run, so that in Russia the child has all the rights and obligations it should have?

In Istanbul, citizenship issues are managed by the Consulate General of the Russian Federation. First of all, you need to carefully study the information posted on the official website of the consulate. The list of documents and requirements may be updated.
You will also need to make an appointment for citizenship issues there. You have to wait 1.5-2 months. Sign up in advance.
After that, start preparing the documents. The consulate is very picky about every piece of paper. If there are mistakes, then you will have to sign up again and lose money for repeated translation and confirmation of the notary.
Everything is clear with copies of passports. The main thing is to check that everything is clear and readable, and the originals themselves are not forgotten at home.
All translated documents are made in the following sequence: you receive the document, translate it, certify it with a notary, affix the apostille. Pay attention to every letter and number in the Turkish original and translated version. Everything must match. One small inaccuracy translates into a large sum, and officials and translators work very absentmindedly. Attached to the article is a version of translations of all the necessary certificates accepted at the consulate. There are other options for translating the names of Turkish government agencies, but make sure that you do not write any nonsense such as "personal separation system". This also happens often. And I strongly recommend that you monitor compliance with the spelling of names and surnames in both languages.
Form A (Formul A) is issued in the so-called Kaymakamlik and has its own subtleties. Upon request for Form A, you will most likely be given three papers. But you need the one in the upper right corner of which Formul A is written. Ask that your current surname, and not your maiden name, should be in the column for your mother's surname. If you are persistently refused, take this document from Kaymakamlyk in another region. For example, in Fatiha he is calmly given to a new surname.
Residence certificate is issued in Mukhtarlyk. She:
- must be strictly addressed to the child, - must be received no earlier than a month before visiting the embassy.
Its validity period is indicated in the lower left corner.
A statement of the father's consent is written in free form, with the words of consent to the child's adoption of Russian citizenship. However, do not forget to add the details of the husband's “kimlik” in the application.
It is worth taking seriously the filling out of the application. Print several blank copies at once. Take the pen you used to fill out the application with you and leave any questionable items blank. Follow the tips on the application itself. The patronymic of the child and father is not indicated, since it is not in Turkish documents. And your patronymic must be indicated if it is available in the Russian passport. The paragraph with your Russian address indicates your Turkish phone number.
Take with you the originals of the received certificates. If, due to inaccuracies in the translation, you have to translate something again, you will save time. Sometimes diplomats give a couple of hours to correct documents, but in the literal sense of the word, running around to all instances is very tiring.
Finally, I advise you to be patient and prepare for possible rejections and long waits. The most desperate are helped for a tidy sum almost in front of the embassy. Apparently, it is easier for "our brother" to pay than to bother himself. But I still advise you to try to correctly draw up the documents yourself.