For adults at the dacha there is always something to do: dig up, weed, loosen, water, fertilize … But what should the little fidgets do at this time? There are tons of new outdoor games and activities you can think of!

Some children do not like to go to the dacha, because they desperately miss there without their usual things and friends, while the adults are busy with their own affairs. So that the child does not get bored, you need to offer him options for an interesting pastime.
1. Search for the treasure. Draw a plan of your site (so that the child can understand) and mark the place where the treasures are buried / hidden. A sweet treat, toys, books, etc. can serve as a prize. The game is good because it can be played by both one child and several or even several teams of 4-5 people.

2. Young photographer. If the child is already independent enough, you can give him a camera and offer to photograph what he is interested in: birds, butterflies, flowers, insects, etc. Also, to make the child feel like a real photojournalist, you can give him tasks. For example, take a photo of a certain tree or plant, a neighbor's cat or chickens. Then you need to discuss the pictures, praise the child and find out what he liked the most.
3. Assistant. You can give the children a small area for weeding, dividing them into 2 teams. Children will be happy to compete, while feeling like real helpers.
4. Hut. Help the children build a hut. New entertainment will take them for a long time, because children love to equip their house and show their imagination in the game.
5. Games with water. In hot weather, children will especially enjoy the water activities.

Draw a target (circle, heart, etc.) on the wall with chalk. Prepare sponges and a bucket of water. Have the children throw wet sponges at the target until the drawing is completely washed off.
You will need a bucket of water and paint brushes for the number of children. Have the children “paint” a fence, porch, or doghouse.
6. Games with sand. The sandbox is one of the favorite places for every kid, so they will love the new sand games.
Smooth out the sand and have your child draw on it with a stick. You can draw animals, cars or a house. Then you can invite the child to lay out the drawing with pebbles, sticks or grass (a kind of application).
Build a castle for your child's favorite outdoor toy and put it in it. Around the castle, you can build a fence, reinforced with sticks, dig a moat and fill it with water.

Bury a small toy or coin in the sandbox and have your child find it.