For many teenagers, a trip to the country turns into a sheer punishment. No computer, no internet in the phone, and sometimes even the TV shows some interference instead of a normal image. And all this is not a reason for the child's entertainment to extend the World Wide Web to the hacienda or install a satellite TV dish. In addition to weeding and watering, grown-up children can be occupied with more interesting things.

If a child has spent many years at the same dacha, he probably made friends among the neighbour's offspring. But in the next season they all seem to themselves too old for ordinary games and even shy of each other. It is even more difficult for a teenager if his parents took him to a summer cottage for the first time. No acquaintances, and starting a relationship is no longer as easy as for kindergarteners who have played in the sandbox for half an hour and are already friends. Therefore, it is important for parents to help the young generation. Walk around the neighbors, get to know them yourself and find out if they mind arranging leisure for their children. Gather a large company on your site and play some dating games.
All players stand in a circle, one says his name. The person standing next to him repeats it and introduces himself. And so on, until a long chain of names closes on the first participant. It is possible to complicate the plot if everyone adds some quality of character to the name. For example, brave Vasya, kind Marina, cheerful Lesha.
Checking out how the first game went is fun. All the guys are divided into two teams. The two leaders are pulling a blanket or sheet between them. From each team one person goes to the blanket, and those leading to the count of “three” lower the obstacle. Each of the players must remember the name of the person standing opposite and call him. Whoever succeeds first brings a point to his team. Then the cover is lifted, and the following players come out to it.
It remains to teach the teenagers who have met the simplest games of their childhood - hide and seek, bouncers, robber Cossacks, etc. Or offer to arrange a concert for other summer residents. These can be parodies of popular singers, staging of popular Kvnov jokes, or a performance for which the guys will compose a play themselves, if you tell them the plot. For example, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids 30 Years Later” or a remake of “Pinocchio”. For the stage, select a veranda or help arrange a curtain in a clean meadow, collect props in attics and in old closets. Make-up can be applied with gouache (it is easily washed off). Maintain an entrepreneurial spirit by letting children draw posters and sell tickets for a symbolic price. With the help they will be able to buy themselves treats later.
If there are no children of the right age in the neighborhood, invite classmates of your daughter or son, their friends in the sports section or music school, to visit from the city. Look for company options for the weekend - colleagues with children, good neighbors, etc. It is not difficult to find employment for a couple of three youths. Buy them badminton rackets: a light shuttlecock, even reinforced with a piece of plasticine, will not damage your beds and flower beds. A more expensive leisure investment is a trampoline. Even older teenagers will be happy to use this equipment. Finally, set up a small streetball court: attach a basketball hoop to the side of the garage. Schoolchildren will be attracted by the opportunity to throw a ball near the house, "like in a movie," because most of the young heroes of American films spend their leisure time in this way.
And do not forget to spend time with the grown child yourself. Involve him in your adult company, for example, by buying interesting board games for an evening getaway.