Most often, even the most responsible parents do not fully realize that such a period is a very big test in a child's life, and close people are obliged to help children painlessly overcome this period.

First of all, the family and close people in general can help their child with parental love and unlimited patience. Despite the external alienation, it is very important for children to know that loved ones are ready to listen to them, that they can share with their parents not only their successes and positive impressions, but also negative situations that happen to them, give advice and give psychological support in a moment of despair … Parents, as a rule, listen, but do not hear the teenager, not realizing that if they do not hear their child right now, they will never hear.

Children are not frank with close people, because parents sometimes, instead of support, begin to stuff them with moralizing, annoying dialogues about the benefits and harms of certain things, insisting decisively on their unconditional parental rightness and authority. They say banal: "Here I am in your years … And you did not obey me, that is why you are suffering now." This is how parental selfishness and hypocrisy are manifested, and children acutely understand and feel this. Adolescents subtly discern falsehood, expose not only the lies of annoying moralizing, but also become infuriated with cold indifference, because they are extremely vulnerable at this age and take everything to heart.
Many adults, wise with life experience, say: "The transitional age is not scary, it will pass by itself." But here it was necessary to add: "The main thing is to pass without consequences for the child", otherwise, later it will be impossible to fix it or to rewind time.