The child does not always grow up obedient and calm. Sometimes, the baby's behavior can even be aggressive. In this case, it is important to quickly detect the problem and begin to resolve it.

What is the difference between aggression and aggression?
Aggression is an act aimed at causing harm (psychological, physical, material) to a person or group of persons. That is, this is a certain action that is generated by the situation. Normally, signs of aggression can rarely be observed in a healthy person, when external circumstances provoke it. But aggressiveness is a completely different concept that denotes a personality trait. And if a child has exactly stable aggressive behavior, something needs to be done about it. But first you need to correctly identify aggressiveness, because it does not always manifest itself only in fights and shouts.
What features does aggressiveness have?
It is important to understand that an act of aggression is not yet aggressiveness, but aggressiveness does not necessarily lead to purposeful destructive actions. It can manifest itself in such personality traits as negativism, excessive touchiness, extreme irritability, contradictoriness, anger, and, of course, sometimes pugnaciousness and loudness. At the same time, children's aggressiveness also has a number of positive features: activity, independence, independence, initiative. But the child's psyche, due to its lack of formation, most often chooses exactly negative manifestations.
How to recognize an aggressive child?
An aggressive child responds to most requests in an angry and irritable manner, is rude, and raises his voice. In communicating with other children, he shows elements of independence and leadership, constantly criticizes the children and shouts at them, takes offense, takes revenge. One of the most noticeable and common traits is verbal aggression: a child criticizes and calls names other people, including adults. Quite often, this negative trait manifests itself in the handling of material objects: toys do not last long, many pages in books are painted or torn out, fragile objects are thrown and broken in fits of anger. And of course, the most obvious indicator: the child himself provokes conflicts, starts fights, hits, scratches, bites, spoils other people's things.
If you find the pattern of behavior described above, you should contact a child psychologist. It is important to understand that this is a fixable problem, you just need to find its origins and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.