How Is The Tone Of The Uterus Manifested During Pregnancy

How Is The Tone Of The Uterus Manifested During Pregnancy
How Is The Tone Of The Uterus Manifested During Pregnancy

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Uterine tone during pregnancy is a fairly common pathology. Experiencing tension associated with the contraction of smooth muscles, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back.

How is the tone of the uterus manifested during pregnancy
How is the tone of the uterus manifested during pregnancy


Step 1

Normally, the smooth muscles of the uterus alternately contract and relax. Under certain conditions, the uterus can experience tension for a long time. In this case, we are talking about the occurrence of such a pathology as hypertonicity. Pregnant women meet with her very often. At the same time, they do not experience the most pleasant sensations.

Step 2

With hypertonicity of the uterus, there is an aching pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes she can kick in the back. This pain is similar to that experienced by women before menstruation. Sometimes their manifestations are so strong that the pregnant woman feels cramping pain. Externally, hypertonicity manifests itself in the form of abdominal tension. It becomes as hard as stone. At the same time, the muscles can maintain a similar state for a long time.

Step 3

Hypertonicity of the uterus can manifest itself in different ways. With strong muscle tension, the sensations can be very painful. If the tone is poorly expressed, the woman may not even be aware of its existence. As a rule, she finds out about this after a routine examination by a gynecologist or after undergoing an ultrasound examination.

Step 4

If symptoms of hypertonicity are detected, an urgent need to consult a doctor. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is dangerous because it can cause its spontaneous termination. At a later date, this pathology is fraught with premature birth. With timely access to a doctor, all these consequences can be avoided.

Step 5

The reason for the occurrence of hypertonia can be a lack of magnesium in the body. It can be provoked by stress, heavy physical activity, unhealthy diet. As a rule, gynecologists offer their patients a comprehensive treatment for this problem. They prescribe them sedatives, drugs with magnesium ions, and antispasmodics that help relax the smooth muscles of the uterus.
