Uterine tone is an excessive contractile activity of the muscles that occurs in response to changes in the normal hormonal background or external stimuli.

Step 1
If a pulling or just unpleasant sensation appears, a pregnant woman should immediately seek medical help - only a doctor's examination and the appointment of timely drug therapy will help maintain the pregnancy until the due date.
Step 2
Psychoemotional stress and excessive physical exertion, lifting weights of more than three kilograms at the same time are categorically contraindicated in any period of pregnancy.
Step 3
Pregnant women should not abuse baths, especially hot ones - this can provoke both an increase in the tone of the uterus and the penetration of infection into its cavity, which threatens to terminate pregnancy (spontaneous miscarriage).
Step 4
The tone of the uterus can provoke changes in the hormonal background that a woman had before pregnancy - in this case, constant medical supervision and periodic monitoring of the level of "pregnancy hormones" in the blood serum are mandatory. When their indicators decrease in accordance with the expected gestational age, the woman must be hospitalized in the hospital of the maternity hospital (the department of pregnancy pathology or the gynecological department - depends on the duration of pregnancy).
Step 5
General infectious diseases of the body become a predisposing factor for the development of uterine tone, especially with a significant increase in body temperature. Pregnant women should remember that self-administration of any medication while carrying a child is categorically contraindicated - the development of the toxic effect of any drug on the fetus is possible, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Step 6
A pregnant woman should stop smoking - the vasoconstrictor effect of nicotine contributes to a sharp decrease in uterine and placental blood flow, which, according to most obstetricians and gynecologists, can cause an increase in uterine tone and threaten with premature onset of labor.
Step 7
The independent use of any medicines, even those that were previously recommended by specialists, is not a reliable guarantee of effective treatment, therefore the best help for uterine hypertonicity is a timely consultation with a doctor.