A feeling of emptiness, work apathy, rapid fatigue - all these are signs of a lack of energy tone. It is extremely difficult to solve any problems in this state. There are several ways to improve your tone, for example, by changing your diet or increasing your physical activity.

One of the main causes of energy loss is sleep disturbance. Pay attention to how much time you spend sleeping. It takes 6 to 9 hours of sleep to restore normal body and brain function. At this time, recovery processes take place in the brain, and the body is in the most relaxed state. As a result, the level of coordination and thinking of a person in the waking state returns to normal.
Plan and stick to a clear sleep schedule. Over time, your internal clock will settle on this schedule, falling asleep and waking up without much effort.
Constant passivity and sluggishness reduce the body's energy production. This explains the fatigue and unwillingness to do anything, even if you have not done anything all day. Forcing yourself to move as often as possible will cheer you up and tone you up. As a movement, you can choose long walks or jogging, strength or cardio training.
In the early days, this may require an effort, but over time, healthy human behavior develops into a habit. Your active life will become the norm.
Stay hydrated
One of the most effective indicators that your energy tone is dropping is the urge to drink. Even mild dehydration can lead to discomfort such as tiredness or blurred thinking. As soon as you feel thirsty, drink a large glass of water to energize you. Drinking water regularly also reduces your daily calorie intake by about 9%.
Change your diet
Foods containing sugar give the body a little strength, and their effects quickly wear off. Try to switch to a healthy diet, avoid foods containing glucose, maltose and sucrose. The only exception is ribose. This sugar is produced by the body itself and is involved in energy production. Ribose is also found in some foods.
Try replacing coffee with tea. Unlike coffee, tea contains L-theanine, which has a calming effect. It lowers stress levels and helps restore healthy mental activity. Eat more vegetables, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds, and cashews. These foods contain magnesium. It helps the cells of the body to more actively produce energy from food.
Lack of sunlight, short daylight hours and polar nights can also be the reasons for a decrease in energy tone. The winter period is quite difficult for some people, the lack of vital energy up to depression becomes the norm for them. To avoid such problems, try to get out into the fresh air more often and make the most of sunny days for walking. If there is not enough sun, take light therapy.
See a doctor
If natural ways to increase your energy tone are not working for you, see your doctor. Tell us how and when you get tired, sleepy, etc. Find out which factors are influencing this and which treatment options are best for you.