Several types of energy vampires are described here. Read it - you will surely recognize yourself or your loved ones.

1. Helpless personality
He constantly talks about his problems, and when he is advised something, he answers: "Yes, but …". And he has a million of such "but". Is a vampire a helpless person? He talks about his next problem, and the advisers - they are donors - are trying to help him. But he constantly finds new objections until the adviser fizzles out. If the donor still has strength, the pumping out of energy will continue with complaints like: "Here, I have it always like this, all the time." As a result, the problem has not been resolved, the donor has no strength, and the vampire goes on to collect energy. The trick is that he knows perfectly well how to solve the situation, but is looking for new ways or just wants to feed himself.
2. Blue beard
This type of vampire constantly catches everyone for violation of rules, instructions and other things. He himself can compose a set of these rules, and will enforce their observance with such ferocity that others will not be good at it. The violation will be followed by punishment: public humiliation, deprivation of some benefits, even if the violation is insignificant. At the same time, he does not impose such requirements on himself: he can be late for work, leave at any time, etc. At the same time, it is completely useless to argue with him: even if he loses in an argument, he will hide for a while, and on occasion will take revenge.
3. Alcoholic
This type of vampire usually has several types of donors:
- Reeducator. As a rule, this is a wife who hopes all her life that he will finally quit drinking. He perceives the rare respite between hard drinking as a period of sobriety that has finally begun, and hopes that the husband has given up drinking for good. As soon as he goes into a binge, she worries and again gives him her energy.
- Deliverer - This role most often goes to the doctor who heals the vampire, when his wife brings him to him. He also gives the alcoholic part of his energy, each time hoping that he will not come again.
- Blockhead. As a rule, the mother, aunt or sister who pity him justifies. They may even accuse his wife of becoming an alcoholic. Also, it can be "kind people" from whom the vampire takes money for free. Or people who take his drunken conversations and complaints about a hard life seriously.
4. Caring Mother
Strange type of vampirism, right? After all, all her interests are dedicated to children. From the very cradle, she brings up her children with the words “must” and “must not.” At the same time, the desires, needs and inclinations of the child himself are not taken into account - a caring mother knows what is best. From such a suffocating love, the child can start to get sick, and she begins to take him to doctors, psychics and other specialists. But as soon as the opportunity really presents itself to cure the child, she will do everything to prevent this from happening - otherwise she will lose the meaning of life. After all, caring for a sick child makes her almost a heroine in her eyes, although she does not realize it.
5. Busy sufferer
This is just a golden man: smart, hardworking, talented, very diligent and reliable. Because of his qualities, he even moves a little up the career ladder, but does not reach great heights, because he does not work for pleasure. She cannot change her unloved job, as she is afraid of losing stability. This is similar to samovampirism, but with age, due to constant discontent, it begins to hurt, and a vampiric essence manifests itself: he believes that loved ones should feel sorry for him, take care of him. Because he has not achieved anything, and even is sick. This is a guarantee that he will not be abandoned.
6. Eternal Prince
At school, university, he showed great promise: he was loved by teachers, leaders of various circles. For whatever he undertakes - everything worked out for him. However, the hobby was replaced by hobby, then by another hobby, and he could not stop at one. And now under 40, and he has not achieved anything, but still continues to hope for his success. Outwardly, he is quite safe, but in fact, he is very dissatisfied with his position. He believes that he could have achieved much more if not for his unfortunate environment: mom, wife, friends. Outwardly, his vampirism may not manifest itself in any way, but subconsciously he is constantly felt - as if those close to him owe something to him. Therefore, living with such a person is not easy.
7. Cinderella
This is a modest and uncomplaining vampire, but only at first glance. She always helps everyone, even if she is not asked, and this obliges people to respond to her in kind. Cinderella selflessly serves all her relatives, but especially goes to the family. After each "heroic deed" she torments loved ones with conversations on the topic: "I devoted my whole life to you, and you?" Relatives justify themselves, prove, but still remain guilty. And the feeling of guilt leads to a great loss of energy.
8. The Princess and the Pea
This person of a vampric nature lives by the principle of "much ado about nothing." Her most important feature is to believe that everyone is obliged to her simply because she exists in the world. At the same time, she herself is unfamiliar with the feeling of gratitude - she simply admits that you were useful to her. But your services will certainly underestimate, and exaggerate their own.
All these people have one thing in common - they make a lot of claims to others and do not want to take responsibility for themselves.
How to protect yourself from a vampire? In short, you need to not give him what he requires, then he will go to seek energy from others. In general, it is better to contact a psychologist to get detailed advice on communicating with each type of people.