You've probably noticed that after communicating with some people you feel like a squeezed lemon: drowsiness, loss of energy, yawning, sometimes mild depression and headache appear. All of these symptoms are classic signs of energy loss. An energetic vampire is next to you. And here we need to act radically - to fight.

Step 1
It is necessary to understand who exactly from the environment is fed by your energy. Very often, people you have always considered best friends, good buddies, or outgoing acquaintances can turn out to be energy vampires. You should pay special attention to the following alarming symptoms: you suddenly notice unexpected irritation and want to end communication with a person as soon as possible, intuitively feel unprotected, during a conversation there is a feeling of a psychological attack, you start to feel cold, sick and tired. If a friend constantly starts talking about how bad his life is, without doing anything to fix the situation, be on the lookout, it looks like you are faced with an energy vampire.
Step 2
If an energy vampire tries to lure you into an unpleasant conversation, try to remain silent or even smile. Stay away from the problems of the interlocutor, do not let him transfer all the negativity to you. All he needs is a reaction that feeds these kinds of people. Learn to abstract from feelings and your own emotions that arise during communication. Look at the whole situation from the outside.
Step 3
The vampire can choose another tactic - to anger you. Try to think about something else at this moment, do not get angry, even if they try to hurt you. After all, anger and deprives a person of vital energy, allowing the vampire to be sufficiently nourished. Fatigue and irritation from communicating with an energy vampire can be removed with the help of films, your favorite music, a book, poetry, or aromatic oils. After contact with a negative person, take a contrast shower, drink sweet hot tea. Take a walk in a park or forest, trees are able to pick up bad energy and convert it into positive energy.
Step 4
Break the connection between the victim (yourself) and the energy vampire. Place it visually under the clear dome. To do this, you need to imagine a negative person under an inverted can, who cannot reach you. In general, the most effective defense against an energy vampire is the termination of any kind of communication with him.