Pregnancy is not only the most beautiful, but also the most exciting period in a woman's life. It must flow in harmony and tranquility. This is important both for the mother herself and for her future baby. But, unfortunately, not every woman has a smooth pregnancy. The most common diagnosis in expectant mothers is increased uterine tone.

Step 1
During the normal course of pregnancy, the muscles of the uterus are in a calm, relaxed state. But sometimes, for some reason, the muscle fibers begin to contract and contract, increasing the pressure inside the uterus itself. It is this condition that is called increased tone in pregnant women.
Step 2
Uterine tone can occur at any stage of pregnancy. This happens especially often in the first trimester due to stress, improper lifestyle and nutrition of a pregnant woman, as well as improper production of hormones. In the second trimester, tone can occur as a result of overload and overwork at work. During these two stages of pregnancy, it can cause miscarriage. Tonus in the third trimester may appear due to the rapid increase in the size of the uterus. The increased tone in the last stage of pregnancy can lead to premature birth.
Step 3
A woman herself can determine the increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy by symptoms such as incessant pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Pain in tone can also have a cramping character.
Step 4
If suddenly you feel that your uterus has become hard as a stone, immediately contact a specialist, because this condition is a clear sign of increased tone. A gynecologist will examine you and make an accurate diagnosis.
Step 5
A doctor can make a diagnosis in several ways. First, by feeling the abdomen (palpation). Normally, it should be soft. When toned, the stomach becomes very hard. Secondly, with the help of an ultrasound of the uterus. If your tone is increased, the doctor will see muscle fibers contracting on the monitor screen. You can also determine the tone using a special device for measuring the strength of myometrium contractions.