The desire of parents to find out the sex of the future baby as soon as possible is understandable, because they are eager to prepare a dowry and a nursery for their son or daughter. Sometimes it happens that on ultrasound, the child turns his back to the sensor. What if gender needs to be determined because of the risk of specific hereditary diseases?

Step 1
Sign up for a conventional or three-dimensional ultrasound scan in a good clinic with a modern machine. Ultrasound diagnostics is the most accurate and safe method for determining sex during pregnancy for the unborn baby. The process of fetal genital formation ends by 10-12 weeks. It is possible to visualize female or male genitals from 15-16 weeks, but the best time for diagnosis is 22-25 weeks. The doctor will determine the boy by the presence of the scrotum and penis, and the girl by the labia majora.
Step 2
Do not torment the doctor with the question "who will be born?" earlier than 15 weeks. At this time, one can only assume the sex of the baby. However, much depends on the experience of the specialist and the modernity of the ultrasound apparatus. Sometimes in the early stages it happens that the doctor takes the umbilical cord loops or swollen labia for the boy's genitals. The appearance of a baby of the opposite sex can come as a surprise to parents.
Step 3
Chorionic biopsy as a 100% method of sex determination is used when there is a high risk of giving birth to a child with a genetic pathology. The study is carried out for a period of 7-10 weeks. With the help of a long thin needle, the abdomen is pierced and particles of the chorionic villi are taken for analysis of the chromosome set of the fetus. Remember that this procedure can provoke a threat of miscarriage. Doctors never use a chorionic biopsy just to determine gender.
Step 4
Amniocentesis or cordocentesis is the collection of amniotic fluid or cord blood, performed at 16-18 weeks of gestation. The material is taken for analysis through a small puncture in the abdomen. Further, a genetic study is carried out. If there is a risk of inheriting a disease or other genetic abnormalities associated with the baby's sex, the doctor may suggest this method. The probability of gender determination will be 100%. But this method is also considered invasive and can provoke a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. This procedure is not recommended for healthy pregnant women without abnormalities in ultrasound.
Step 5
Try to guess the gender of the unborn baby using folk methods. A pregnant woman has become prettier - a boy will be born, a child "takes away beauty" - there will be a daughter. If a mother-to-be is “drawn” to sweets - to a girl, to meat - to a boy. The sharp shape of the abdomen suggests the birth of a son, the round shape of a daughter. There are many signs, but treat them no more than entertainment - there is no scientific confirmation for them.