How To Determine The Gender Of A Baby Before Birth

How To Determine The Gender Of A Baby Before Birth
How To Determine The Gender Of A Baby Before Birth

For most parents, especially those expecting their first child, the gender of the child is very interesting. Of course, the easiest way is to recognize it by the results of an ultrasound study, but there are also some nuances here, some babies are incorrectly positioned or simply turn their backs, leaving their gender a secret.

How to determine the gender of a baby before birth
How to determine the gender of a baby before birth

You can determine the sex of the unborn child by various signs: the shape of the abdomen, gait, the skin of the mother, and so on. Usually, the assumption regarding the sex of the newborn is made by women of the age or mothers with many children.

The sex of the baby in the womb can be determined from about the 6th month of pregnancy. It is believed that girls inhabit a small neat tummy, and if the belly is sloped to one side, then most likely there will be a boy. This is explained as follows, boys are usually much larger, so their tummies grow larger.

Pregnancy, accompanied, with a high degree of probability, will end with the appearance of a male baby.

When a woman is pregnant with a girl, it is often observed. It is said that girls take away maternal attraction.

The gender of the child can be determined by carefully looking at the hands of the expectant mother. If they remain smooth and well-groomed, then there will be a girl, if the skin has become dry and began to crack, then the newborn is a son. This sign can be explained from a medical point of view, when a woman wears a girl, then sebum is released an order of magnitude more.

If you look at the expectant mother from the back and do not see signs of the abdomen, then there will be a boy, and if the sides are slightly rounded, this is a girl.

You can determine the sex of the child and:

- when a woman carries a boy, she moves easily and gracefully; when a girl, a pregnant woman’s gait slightly resembles a duck’s, that is, a woman walks slightly waddling from side to side.

The gender of the unborn child can be recognized by the mood and emotional state of the mother. When carrying a boy, the expectant mother is always in high spirits, this is due to the hormones released during pregnancy. When a girl is in the womb, the expectant mother is often sad, irritable or crying.

Of course, parents usually don't care what gender the baby is, the main thing is that he is healthy and childbirth is easy. Well, what about those attached to discharge from the hospital and things for the first time?
