Undoubtedly, the behavior of the mother and the people around them leaves an imprint on the fetus in the womb. That is why it is necessary to communicate with the child until the moment of birth, so that the child from the first days feels the warmth and affection of loved ones.

Already from the 10th week of pregnancy, the child's sense organs are formed, so he begins to respond to various impulses. He is able to hear sound after 16 weeks of development. And from that moment on, the fetus is able not only to hear, but also to memorize pleasant sounds and native voices. After 20 weeks, the baby is able to react to any actions with movements that the expectant mother clearly feels. You can notice the dynamics of movement and understand what the child likes and what categorically does not suit in the mother's lifestyle. Bad mood and stressful situations negatively affect the state of the fetus inside the womb, since biologically active substances are thrown into the woman's blood during moments of nervous shocks and experiences. It is advisable at such moments to do what you love (singing, sewing, embroidery, needlework) in order to escape from bad thoughts and tune in to a positive wave. The child is very keenly aware of any changes in the mother's body, therefore, he may begin to behave restlessly or, conversely, calm down from fright and stop moving in the womb. Communication with the unborn child is necessary not only for himself, but also for the parents. For example, a baby begins to feel the touch of his mother's hands, recognizes the voices of his parents, hears his favorite tunes. Thus, he feels the love and affection of his relatives and feels himself needed in a new world, into which he has to enter. Parents, especially a mother, must learn to understand their child, which will allow them to build relationships at a high level in the future. At the moment, there are special techniques that help parents find a common language with their unborn baby. Of course, the expectant mother should look forward to his birth. It is the impressions and sensations that are fundamental factors for the normal intrauterine development of the fetus and the birth of a healthy and full-fledged child.