Benefits To The Wives Of Military Personnel Before And After The Birth Of A Child

Benefits To The Wives Of Military Personnel Before And After The Birth Of A Child
Benefits To The Wives Of Military Personnel Before And After The Birth Of A Child

The wives of conscripted military personnel can apply for a state allowance in case of the birth of a child while the father is serving.

Benefits to the wives of military personnel before and after the birth of a child
Benefits to the wives of military personnel before and after the birth of a child

If the child's father went to the army on conscription, the state will pay money for the baby every month. Parents must formally marry. To get money, contact social security, no later than six months from the date your father graduated from the service. The money will be paid from the date the baby is born, but not earlier than the conscript's service life begins.

Money stops being paid when the baby turns 3 years old, but no later than the date when the father finished his service. In 2014, the amount of a one-time payment for this category of citizens was set - 20,725, 6 rubles, monthly - 8,882, 4 rubles. It may differ slightly in different regions. The amount of the cash payment is indexed every year - so, since 2008, it has quadrupled.

The state does not accept requests for payments in cases where the father of the born child is a cadet studying at a military school.

To apply for financial assistance, go to social protection. To receive a one-time payment, the applicant must provide:

· Passport and copy;

· Marriage certificate and a copy;

· A certificate from the antenatal clinic;

· A certificate issued by the military unit where the soldier is located - the dates of service are spelled out in it, if the father has already served, the certificate will be issued at the address at which he was called, at the military commissariat.

To submit a request for monthly payments, a certificate from the registry office and a child's birth certificate must be added to this list.
