Before The Wedding - Everything Is Perfect, And After It Begins

Before The Wedding - Everything Is Perfect, And After It Begins
Before The Wedding - Everything Is Perfect, And After It Begins

Why do two lovers, starting to live together, feel the intensity of negativity in the relationship and constant misunderstanding? Where does irritation and resentment come from when yesterday you doted on each other?

Before the wedding - everything is perfect, and after … it starts
Before the wedding - everything is perfect, and after … it starts

A woman and a man are completely different creatures, they a priori cannot be the same, think the same type and do things that would satisfy the other half.

If we look deeply, we will see that the man is a hunter! Before the wedding, he seeks to get his beloved in all possible ways, and if, on top of everything else, the object of desire is not available, the man is ready for any feats and sacrifices.

After the wedding, the woman, regardless of her wishes, becomes the private property of the spouse. Are you offended? This means that you are a woman - a core, a strong personality, possibly a dictator.

But is it easy to live a family life with such a core? A man, falling under the heel of such a dictator, becomes passive, morose, indifferent. He will gladly give all his "burdens and worries of life", shifting them onto the shoulders of a woman.


The result of such a "happy" family life is known to everyone. Not a single woman will carry such a heavy load for a long time. It's easier for her to give up than ruin her life. But, there are exceptions - women who continue to endure, suffer and cry to their friends, but do not change anything.

There is a tense atmosphere in the family every day, dissatisfied screams, sidelong glances and a desire to come home less often are often heard. When she married him, she believed that he was a prince. The only man who is the best in the world, but it turns out that he is a parasite who does not want to change anything.

Before the wedding, he saw her as a delicate flower, from which he wanted to "blow off the specks of dust," but after a couple of months he found a thunder-woman next to him.

All those qualities that before uttering the cherished "Yes" you both hid with all their might in order to get each other climb outward. After the wedding, you have nothing to hide from each other. Year after year, you get to know more and more the person who was once so dear and close to you.

Feelings fade away. Once you wake up, you find a completely stranger and do not understand why this happened. Stop looking for negative sides in your relationship, stop any brewing disagreement.


Try to take a step forward, despite your pride and resentment. Be patient, suddenly a miracle will happen, and your significant other will change, becoming the same angel you once fell in love with.

We women can show ourselves as strong, courageous, firm in our decisions, but this must be done wisely. To make the man understand that you are angry with him, you want to change something. But, to do it correctly, so that he does not distribute between you the roles of "saw" and "log".

With the right approach, he will listen with love and understanding. And then he will gently hug and say: "My girl, I'm ready for anything for you!"

If a woman always praises, loves, respects her man, correctly pushing him to accomplishments - such a union will be strong and ideally desirable and passionate.
