6 Things To Discuss Before Your Wedding

6 Things To Discuss Before Your Wedding
6 Things To Discuss Before Your Wedding

Even if your relationship lasts a very long time, this does not mean at all that you have 100% studied each other. Having many evenings together is not a guarantee that you have discussed very important "family" topics. You could avoid them as unnecessary, unknowingly, or simply did not want to rush things. In any case, now that you have decided on much more than meetings under the moon (we are talking about a wedding), it's time to talk about the main aspects of your future family life.

what needs to be discussed before the wedding
what needs to be discussed before the wedding


To be or not to be … parents? You need to clearly understand whether your partner is planning to acquire offspring in principle. It is possible that he or she does not want to have children at all or the plans for having a child are in such a long term that it is not known whether they will ever be implemented at all. Or maybe, on the contrary, he or she is so eager to become a parent that he is ready to start implementing his plans immediately after the wedding. Whatever your desires, the guarantee of family happiness is that they coincide in such important issues.


If you both strive to have children in your family, it is worth talking a little about the important points of raising them. Discuss the issue of choosing a religion, the separation of parenting and family responsibilities, how you will resolve controversial issues in upbringing.

Place of residence

A wedding is a good reason to think about where you will live after this event. Who will move to whom, perhaps you will live with your parents, will you rent an apartment or buy a house on credit? Solving such issues always requires discussion and search for compromise options.

Future goals in life

You need to know about the plans for the future of your other half and be ready for them. For example, it may happen that he / she plans to leave for work in another city or even a country in a year. Will you support your partner in this decision?

Family budget

How will you manage your family budget? Will it be shared or separate? How will you plan your monthly expenses, large purchases, and grooming expenses? All this also does not hurt to discuss in advance.

Family life

Of course, before going down the aisle, find out how your partner sees the future marital relationship, what he wants to get, his and your role in family life. How will your life change after the wedding? How do you share household chores? Ask these questions to each other, find options that meet your expectations. And then your family will undoubtedly be the happiest!
