How To Determine Pregnancy With A Thermometer

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How To Determine Pregnancy With A Thermometer
How To Determine Pregnancy With A Thermometer

Video: How To Determine Pregnancy With A Thermometer

Video: How To Determine Pregnancy With A Thermometer
Video: Trying to Conceive: Tracking Basal Body Temperature to Get Pregnant Fast | Parents 2024, October

There are many ways to determine the onset of pregnancy, some of them are considered reliable - a pharmacy pregnancy test, blood test or ultrasound. But it is not always possible to use them, and it is important to find out about pregnancy as early as possible. Measurement of basal body temperature can help you with this question.

How to determine pregnancy with a thermometer
How to determine pregnancy with a thermometer

It is necessary

  • - thermometer;
  • - notebook;
  • - the calendar;
  • - a pen;


Step 1

Get a thermometer to measure basal temperature. It can be mercury or electronic. If you are going to use an electronic thermometer, then compare its readings with a mercury thermometer and take into account the existing error for further manipulations. It is important to always use the same thermometer.

Step 2

Before going to bed, place a prepared thermometer near your bed so that you can easily get it out in the morning.

Step 3

In the morning, without changing position, take a thermometer and measure the temperature in the vagina or rectum. You can also measure the temperature in the mouth, but then the basal temperature values will be slightly higher. Use only one temperature measurement method to avoid inaccurate results. Take the temperature measurement within 5 minutes.

Step 4

After that, write down the temperature readings in a specially designated notebook or calendar. You can also create a basal temperature graph with the date on the abscissa and the basal temperature on the ordinate.

Step 5

Repeat the above steps throughout the cycle, and then it will not be difficult to determine the onset of pregnancy. The fact is that the cycle is divided into two phases - the phase preceding ovulation and the phase of the corpus luteum. In the first part of the cycle, the basal temperature is kept at about 37 ° C. During ovulation, a jump in temperature occurs, and its value will be about 37, 2-37, 3 ° C. Before the next menstruation, the basal temperature drops again to 37 ° C. The corpus luteum phase is almost always around 14 days, while the period before ovulation can vary. Thus, if you find that the basal temperature remains high for more than 17 days in a row, you can already talk about a probable pregnancy.
