If puritanical attitudes that sexual relations are "shameful", "vulgar" or "indecent" have settled in a woman's minds, no amount of the most passionate caresses can awaken real sensuality and create an atmosphere of liberation in bed.

Emotional tightness
It can be caused by a variety of reasons: both the inept actions of the partner, and the environment that is unsuitable for love games. Or perhaps you are disappointed in your partner as a person and do not have any real respect or attraction for him?
Feelings of mistrust in a partner
If it is present, it blocks sexual impulses, because for many women sexual attraction is inseparable from spiritual attraction. If there are serious psychological disagreements in a couple, this cannot but affect the quality of sex life.
Lack of love and tenderness
It happens that a man in bed does not seek to please his partner, but only cares about his own satisfaction. But sometimes this happens not because of "selfishness", but simply because a man does not think about it. Sometimes it is enough to talk frankly with him, to share your wishes. An emotionally and mentally healthy man likes to feel strong and capable of giving pleasure to his partner.
Dissatisfaction with your own body
Women, knowing about their physical disabilities, often talk about them to their men. Most likely, they want to hear in response that it does not matter for a loved one. But such statements often have the opposite effect: a man, who had previously selflessly enjoyed the company of a desired woman, begins to pay attention to some features of her physique, and comes to the conclusion that “not everything is perfect” with his sweetheart.
In fact, at the moment of passion, a man is carried away by completely different things, he has no time to focus on his partner's shortcomings. If he wants a woman, he wants her all: with an imperfect breast shape and not too thin waist, with other imaginary and real "flaws". Therefore, when making love, just enjoy it and strive to deliver it to your beloved. By the way, a woman's self-confidence excites a man.