Most men are sure that there is only one erogenous zone in their body - the genital organ. In fact, a man has a lot more of them. If you find his erogenous zones, sex life can be much more exciting and interesting than it was before. Where might your man's erogenous zones be?

Step 1
Lips and tongue are very responsive to caress. It is not for nothing that in love games such a place is given to kisses. The auricles, lobes and cavities behind the ears can also be extremely sensitive. Explore these places with your man.
Step 2
The neck is also an erogenous zone in many men. We are talking about the back of the neck, which is sensitive to touch, especially if gentle kissing is alternated with stroking and nibbling.
Step 3
Many men readily respond to the caress of the breasts and, especially, the nipples. Of course, they are not as sensitive as women, but when they are stimulated, many men experience great pleasure. However, this is an individual matter - there are men who really like it when a woman caresses their nipples, and there are those to whom such caresses bring unpleasant sensations.
Step 4
The fingers and toes are also erogenous zones. The fingers are "stuffed" with nerve endings, and their gentle stimulation brings a man great pleasure. Pay attention not to the places between the fingers - they are especially sensitive.
Step 5
There are also enough erogenous zones on the back and buttocks. On the back of one of them there is a place between the shoulder blades. The place in the lower back, just above the tailbone, is also very sensitive. A man will be especially pleased if you gently massage these places, run your fingers along the spine. Also, many men like it when women massage and crumple their buttocks, and this massage can be quite painful. Try different options to see what your man prefers.
Step 6
The most sensitive erogenous zones in men are certainly the scrotum and penis. The head of the penis is most susceptible to affection. Man's genitals must be handled carefully, as they are extremely sensitive. Explore, find new erogenous places on the body of your man, carefully observe him, and soon you will know for sure which places give him the greatest pleasure to touch.