Knowledge of male erogenous zones greatly facilitates intimate life. These secret buttons make it easy to manipulate the feelings of a loved one, quickly bring him to a state of extreme excitement, or, conversely, slow down at the right time. Moreover, erogenous zones can be used not only during bed relationships, but to attract and lure a man.

Erogenous zones are areas on the human body that are most sensitive to touch and other manipulations. In these places there is a huge number of nerve endings that react with rapid excitement. The result of exposure to erogenous zones depends on its intensity. Manipulation in these places can be either just pleasant and relaxing, or leading to orgasm.
Some women believe that men have only one erogenous zone and it is below the waist. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong and very often leads to monotonous boring sex.
Man's excitement can start from the head. And it's not so much about the brain, which they prefer to turn off at the sight of a beautiful, sexy and beloved woman, but about the skin under the hair, areas behind the ears and lobes. Light massaging of these parts will lead the man into ecstasy and prepare him well for further actions.
Many erogenous zones of a man are located on the arms and legs. In the first case, the area between the fingers, the inner side of the palm and the dimple at the elbow deserves special attention. The most sensitive areas on the legs are the feet, thighs (especially on the inside) and the back of the knees. Stimulation can be done with hands, lips or tongue.
If you want to excite a man, you need to remember that they are highly responsive to visual effects. Your mere appearance in an erotic outfit, a tight skirt or beautiful underwear will delight your partner in sexual delight.
The front of a man's torso also has several erogenous zones. The first of these is the breasts, on which the nipples are the most sensitive. Also, pleasant sensations in a man are caused by stroking the abdomen, the area near the navel and just below it. Representatives of the stronger sex note that they experience incredible excitement if a woman massages these zones not with her hands, but with her breasts with excited nipples.
Touching his back is no less pleasant for a man. The focus should be on the lines along the spine and the area around the shoulder blades. The effect of stimulating these places largely depends on the preferences of a man: someone loves light stroking, while someone needs furious "scratching" with nails. To understand what your partner wants, watch his reaction to your actions.
When stimulating erogenous zones, it is important to avoid tickling. Therefore, control your movements: they should be confident and gentle, but not particularly light. In this case, it is desirable that the hands are warm.
Another erogenous zone "behind" is the buttocks. With this area, you can not stand on ceremony: here most men prefer active actions. You can clap, knead, squeeze hard, and perform other manipulations that will only provoke your partner more.
Gradually get close to the main button on the man's body - his dignity. This area is the most sensitive to petting of various kinds. Moreover, stimulation of not only the penis itself, but also the testicles, scrotum, and prostate is encouraged. You can "press" on this and other listed buttons both with your hands and lips, and using your chest and various foreign objects (feathers, pieces of ice, fabrics, pleasant to the touch, etc.).