A man in love, be it a man or a woman, is excited at the very thought of the object of his passion. Even the slightest touch can cause sexual arousal. There is an opinion that the whole body of a woman is an erogenous zone, but still there are certain areas whose caresses can bring her the greatest pleasure.

It is customary to divide the erogenous zones according to the degree of sensitivity to lovemaking into strong, medium and weak. But it must be remembered that the body of each woman is individual, as are her reactions. It may well happen that the impact on a particular area, which does not cause enthusiasm in one partner, will awaken a tangible sensual response in the other.
Many women like it when a man plays with her hair, strokes it. But, as a rule, such touches cause only a slight desire. The ear area is much more sensitive. Many passionate ladies who easily achieve sexual arousal are delighted when a partner caresses her ears with his tongue, gently bites them.
The neck is also considered a sensitive area. Some women experience the greatest pleasure when kissing and stroking the front of it, as well as the dimples between the collarbones. Others are aroused by petting in the area between the ear and shoulder. The shoulders themselves in this case can also be extremely sensitive to kissing and touching.
Many enjoy it when a partner caresses their hands. It is believed that the most sensitive are the hands (both the back of their hands and palms) and fingers. Causes excitement and stimulation of the inner surface of the forearms. Some ladies like kisses in the bend of the elbow and the impact on this area with the tongue.
It is not by chance that a kiss on the lips is considered an indispensable attribute of a love game: lips, tongue, mucous membrane of the mouth are a sensitive erogenous zone in both men and women. There are many options for kissing, and an attentive lover will add to his arsenal those that his partner prefers.
Contrary to popular belief, not all ladies are delighted with the "French" way when a man's tongue gets into their mouth. They find it more pleasant when the lover touches the outer surface of their lips with his lips and tongue.
Many men love to fondle women's breasts, and, as a rule, women do not mind: soft, massaging movements in the chest area cause a surge of desire. Sensitive to lovemaking and nipples. Some people like it when a partner not only gently tickles them, gently strokes, but also bites.
It causes excitement in many women and quite intense effects in the waist, abdomen, inner thighs. As a rule, ladies are delighted with the caress of the area between the shoulder blades, also known as the "cat's place".
And, of course, in both men and women, the strongest and most sensitive erogenous points are concentrated in the genital area - after all, it is this zone that is most intensely affected during intercourse.
Perineal caresses tend to give a woman the most pleasure. But some people like it when a partner pays more attention to the entrance to the vagina, while others experience pleasure from touching the labia minora. Most prefer a gentle effect on the clitoris. Some of the fair sex are able to experience an orgasm only if this zone is stimulated.
Many men mistakenly believe that stimulation of the inner surface of the vagina is capable of delivering the highest pleasure to a woman. However, this is not always the case. There are not so many nerve endings on the inner surface of this organ, which means that the excitation reaction when exposed to this zone will not be so intense in most women. But, as you know, there are no rules without exceptions.
Wise nature has taken care to reduce the painful sensations of a woman in labor during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal - and the vagina, as you know, is part of them.
During sexual intercourse, a woman most often still experiences strong sexual pleasure when the penis is inserted into the vagina. But in this case, the psychological factor plays an important role: the consciousness of the highest degree of intimacy with a beloved man can give her incomparable pleasure.
And, of course, do not forget that the main erogenous zone of a woman is the brain. If she loves a man, is attracted to him not only physically, but also spiritually, he can be sure that his caresses will please her.