Knowing the sensitive areas of a woman's body is a surefire way to be known as a gorgeous lover. Indeed, for girls, as a rule, foreplay is the most important part of the sexual process. Having warmed up the chosen one well, both of you will get an unforgettable pleasure from intimacy.

Open erogenous zones
Not all erogenous zones of girls are hidden under clothes. Therefore, the warm-up can be safely started on a date, even in a rather crowded place. From the outside, your actions will look just like a tender attitude.
For example, a strong erogenous zone in girls is the neck and earlobes. Even a light touch on these parts of the body can cause considerable arousal. For example, adjust the collar of a dress or necklace, whisper something in your ear. If you are alone, actions can be more drastic: gentle kisses, frank touches.
Often the wrists and palms act as an erogenous zone in girls. To get her attention and to state your intentions, gently run your fingertips over these areas. The movements can be circular or round-trip. The main thing is not to get carried away: excessive massaging of your palms can get bored and unpleasant.
The scalp is very sensitive and erogenous in girls. Gently massaging this area will quickly arouse your companion. The main points in this case are at the back of the head and at the place of transition to the neck. Neat, chaotic movements will give the girl a feeling of relaxation and bliss.
Often, the fair sex opens up another erogenous zone - the knees and the areas under them. These places are very sensitive, and thanks to their stimulation, you can easily change the mood of the chosen one. Most importantly, be careful and act slowly. Active movements in especially sensitive natures can cause not excitement, but unrestrained laughter from tickling.
For close people only
Stimulating open erogenous zones will help arouse a girl and tune her in a sexy way. As the action develops, she will reveal more and more parts of her body to you. And under the clothes there are many important "buttons".
For example, the inner and back of the thighs are very sensitive in girls. You can evoke the necessary reaction both with the help of your hands and using light kisses (or simply by swiping your lips). Gentle touches on bare thighs are very erotic and pleasant, with their help you can easily awaken the sexuality of your companion.
Some girls experience enchanting sensations from touching the back. Moreover, it is problematic to single out any specific area, because each beauty is very individual. Observing her reaction will help you understand your girlfriend.
The erogenous zone is also the lower abdomen. The best stimulation for this area is kissing, which slowly travels down to the pubis. This will elicit a positive reaction from your partner and a lot of arousal.
Oddly enough, but the breast is an erogenous zone in a very small number of girls. The area underneath is more sensitive and erogenous. Touching these places, kissing and stroking will help you "tune" and relax the girl.
As for the intimate zone itself, its main erogenous part is the clitoris. The right stimulation will lead to a gorgeous orgasm. The entrance to the vagina and the gap between it and the anus are also sensitive. Caress in this area will perfectly prepare the girl directly for sexual intercourse.