People sometimes create problems from scratch and begin to endure the brain for themselves and their loved ones. This behavior causes a lot of inconvenience, so it is better to deal with it.

Step 1
If from time to time you begin to notice the habit of taking your brain out to others, you need to understand that this does not work for you in the best way. Negative thoughts can ruin your mood, waste your precious time, do not allow you to fully enjoy life, attract negative events into it and disrupt the metabolic processes of your body. You must learn to control your thinking.
Step 2
If you like to endure your brain on your own, try doing some activities. During the day, write down all your negative thoughts on a piece of paper. This can include negative emotions that you experience when communicating with other people, obsessions, and other nonsense cluttering your mind. As you describe your negativity, you will gradually release your thoughts from it.
Step 3
To keep track of all the thoughts that come into your head, learn not to look far into the future. Concentrate only on the present tense, on the present day. All your undertakings and actions must be deliberate. Any negative distraction will be perceived by you as an unnecessary experience.
Step 4
If you endure the brain not for yourself, but for your loved one, just look at any situation that spoils your mood from the other side. Imagine that your tantrums have brought you to the end of the relationship. Think about how you will feel if a loved one cannot come to terms with your behavior and leaves you. He just won't be there. If you can recognize the imminence of loss, you are unlikely to want to repeat your mistakes.
Step 5
Another point that will help you to stop taking the brain out of other people is the outburst of emotions in a different direction. If you are angry and understand that you can break off at any moment, it is better to keep silent. Get away from the conversation with your interlocutor, but rather do household chores. Cleaning, cooking - all this can distract you. Remember that being active and exercising can also help release negative energy and combat stress.
Step 6
In some cases, people begin to endure each other's brains when they subconsciously realize that the relationship is at an impasse and that the wrong person is nearby who was supposed to accompany them throughout their lives. From this, quarrels, depression and misunderstandings appear. If the reason for your behavior lies precisely in this, unfortunately, only parting will help you.