The world around is rapidly changing, and if a hundred years ago people perceived the invention of radio, cinema, telegraph, etc. as a miracle, now you will not surprise anyone with all this. Modern high technologies have left far behind everything that once seemed so new and unusual. But despite the change of centuries and generations, there are also enduring human values that are no less relevant in the modern world than they were two or three hundred years ago.

Step 1
The first and perhaps the most important of the enduring values is love. People at all times have strived to find their other half, to find mutual love, happiness, to start a family. Due to unsuccessful love, duels were committed, wars began, entire cities were wiped off the face of the earth. Great poets and writers from the time of Homer and Theocritus, Shakespeare and Petrarch, Yesenin and Severyanin and ending with their contemporaries, sang this feeling in their poems. Many films have been shot about love, a huge number of beautiful songs have been written. Famous artists of different times and peoples strove to convey in their paintings all possible shades of this multifaceted feeling. It is important to note that the concept of love in this context is all-encompassing. It's not just a feeling between a man and a woman. Motherly love, love for God, love for the Motherland, love for humanity in general, love for nature - these values are also enduring, eternal.
Step 2
The following enduring values are compassion, mercy, kindness. They are also based on love for humanity, for God. Remember various works of art, Russian folk tales, the central plot of many of them is the struggle between good and evil. Good in fairy tales, as a rule, wins, and it is a pity that this does not always happen in real life. Famous teachers from different countries and eras - Pestalozzi, Ushinsky, Sukhomlinsky and others - have devoted their entire lives to sowing seeds of kindness and love for neighbor in the hearts of their pupils. Modern educational programs also do not disregard the spiritual development of children, they contain lessons of Orthodoxy, kindness, morality.
Step 3
Enduring values also include honesty and honor, courage and courage. At all times, people with these qualities were highly valued. Thanks to the honesty and honor, courage and courage of its commanders, soldiers, ordinary people, Russia has more than once defeated the most diverse enemies who longed for its land, wishing to subjugate the rebellious state. But all of them, from the Tatar-Mongols to the German invaders of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, were defeated, thanks to the great and enduring values of the Russian people.
Step 4
Friendship is another essential value. They wrote poems and songs, wrote stories and novels about true friendship, as well as about love. Well-known sayings: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends", "A friend is known in trouble", etc. emphasize the importance of this enduring value to humans.
Step 5
Of course, the above list of enduring human values is far from complete, everyone has the right to add something of their own to it. It is only important that all these values take a truly worthy place in the life of every person.