Nature has endowed all women to be liked by men. No wonder they say that there are no ugly women, there are women who do not know how to be beautiful. The ability to please some is given from birth, others acquire this quality during their lives. And if a woman does not enjoy success with men, it means that she either does not want to be liked, or simply has not learned this. If you want to be attractive, be it.

Step 1
Master the traditional female weapon - flirtation. But remember that coquetry involves not only shooting with your eyes, but playing by certain rules. Make sure that your sweet flirtation has nothing to do with rude flirting. Get attention, please. Show the man that you care about him and that he is very interesting. Listen carefully, even if the topic of the conversation is terribly far from your area of interest. In this case, you will be considered smart and very nice person.
Step 2
Be a woman everywhere, even in the workplace. Flirtation cannot hurt a successful career. But a non-emotional facial expression and a stern tone do not contribute to career growth. Try to please and do not skimp on compliments, everyone loves them. It is pleasant for every person to feel attractive and irresistible, and this will be to your benefit. Smile, say something nice to people, and you will definitely be lucky, even if the stern professor is planning to "fail" on the exam. Laughter and smile make a woman irresistible.
Step 3
Feel always young and attractive. Become the owner of such wonderful qualities as intelligence, kindness, intuition, do not give men a reason for jealousy. Do not complicate your life, do not flirt with everyone recklessly. This is how you can earn a reputation as a fluke.
Step 4
Know how to present yourself. You are no worse than your girlfriends. “You can't do business without advertising,” says popular wisdom. Do not be shy and do not bury your talent in the ground, but do not overdo it with self-promotion.
Step 5
Be sociable. Make acquaintances, win over people. Know that your emotionality, ease of communication can charm any interlocutor. Stay on top in all circumstances, and do not turn a blind eye to things.