Guys do not always behave honestly towards girls, and if you are very offended by a representative of the stronger sex, you can easily take revenge on him by shaming in public.

Revenge is a cold dish
If a young man has hurt you, do not rush to take revenge on him. Remember that first you must think through everything to the smallest detail, so that your act does not harm yourself. Any of your actions, committed in the heat of the moment, can become an ordinary outburst of negativity on a representative of the stronger sex. Hysterics, scandal, swearing - all this will give out your anger, but you will not achieve any effect with this.
How to publicly humiliate a guy
Try to complete your cunning plan unexpectedly. The abuser should not prepare for the fact that his life will become hard in the near future.
There are many options for humiliating a guy. The simplest thing you can do: print his photo, under which the incriminating text will be located, and paste it around the city. Do not forget about the area in which your abuser lives. If you post a lot of pictures there, people around him will start pointing fingers and laughing.
The second option involves the use of social networks. Follow the same procedure: compose the text and prepare the photo. Such information can be posted in special groups on VKontakte, an example is the public pickup. Each city has its own. In such groups, girls post photos of guys, communication with whom gives the girls trouble.
The third option is as follows. You are in the company of your mutual friends and acquaintances. It is important that your abuser is also there, so that you are not considered a gossip, spreading rumors behind your back. At any convenient moment, you should turn to the guy with the words "Do you remember how you …", and then a silly story with his participation follows. You can also just share with your friends in his presence how he treated you. In this case, your offender will have to make excuses for a long time and come up with some reason for his act in order to somehow launder his reputation.
If a guy boasted to his friends that he slept with you, you can deal a crushing blow to his male pride. With him, tell his friends that, of course, although you slept with him, you were not delighted, since the size of his long tongue several times exceeds the size of his manhood. If you make excuses and tell your friends that nothing happened, you yourself will look stupid, so there is no need to deny anything.