Dating sites have long and firmly entered our lives as the most effective and simple way to establish relationships. However, some still do not know how to behave on such Internet resources. By following the simple tips in this article, you can learn how to behave correctly on dating sites and please many interlocutors.

The first thing to look at is the name.
Choosing a name for a dating site
When choosing a name for a dating site, it's best to be honest from the start and use your own name. If you do decide to hide under a pseudonym, use simple and concise words that characterize your personality. Avoid vulgarity and frivolous hints such as: Bad Kitty, I want love, Sexy girl and difficult English words. There are a dime a dozen of such originals on the net, and we want to be unique, right?
After the name is chosen and you are registered, you need to start uploading photos.
Uploading Photos to a Dating Site
To be liked on a dating site, upload your photos, not pictures of models from the Internet. Treat your photos categorically: blurry photos against the background of old wallpaper, armchairs, sofas, stoves, etc. will not work. Upload clear beautiful photos! It is best to upload several photos of different formats: you are full-length, your face is close-up, your profile, you are in motion. If you do not have such pictures yet, do not be lazy to go out with a camera and a girlfriend / boyfriend as a photographer. You can take a photo against the background of a beautiful old building, monument, near a lake, etc. Make sure that nothing superfluous gets into the frame. Also, photos can fully tell about your hobbies. If you indicated in the questionnaire that you like to swim - take a picture in the pool; if you like cats - feel free to take pictures with cats (not forgetting again about the beautiful background in the background). Avoid revealing photos in your underwear unless you want to be mistaken for a frivolous person! As a last resort, give such photographs riddles: twilight, a hat that covers half of the face, a slightly draped pareo … Experiment and do not forget to slightly edit your photos in a special program such as Photoshop. Precisely slightly, otherwise you risk painting over your personality!
And now, the photos are uploaded. The only thing left to do is to present oneself in communication.
How to communicate correctly on dating sites
Learn to surprise from the first phrases! Banal: "Hello, will we meet?" already outdated and boring. Come up with original phrases! For example: "I work on solar batteries. I am charged with positive energy from Space. Do you want me to share?" or "Have you ever watched the July (insert the current month, if it is not July) clouds? I suggest you try yourself as a photographer without a camera and capture the beauty with just one glance! By the way, you have beautiful eyes!" Avoid spelling mistakes. If you do not know how to spell a particular word, do not be too lazy to use the spelling dictionary. It is literally one or two clicks on the Internet, but the impression of you will not be spoiled.
To please many on the dating site, learn not to abound with your own "I" in every line: I am such a rascal, love me without edge! Be more and sincerely interested in the interlocutor, but do not overdo it with questions of a personal nature, this is not an interrogation with partiality at the reception of an investigator! Also, you should not share bad moods and personal experiences. There are trusted friends and close people for this. And for a person from a dating site to become such, you need patience and a positive attitude. Give joy, and you will return a hundred times more! And, perhaps, the main advice: do not be afraid to meet in reality! The Internet is the Internet, and a live meeting will tell about a person much more than correspondence on the Internet, because on the Internet we do not see expressions of eyes, gestures, manners, etc.
When deciding on a meeting, also think over the tactics of behavior, style of clothing and an event plan. And don't forget about safety! Not sexually (you decide whether or not to go to bed right away, and how to protect yourself in sex is also your initiative), but in terms of self-preservation - you never know what kind of person was on the other side of the screen. When going to a meeting, notify your close people (or maybe just your best friend) about where you are going and with whom, and when you will be back approximately. Just in case.
Maybe the meeting will end with something bigger. Or maybe not. Dont be upset! When you meet on sites, set clear goals for yourself: do you need it? Is it worth wasting time with a specific person on the network, or is it better to switch to the cute neighbor in the staircase in life? Remember that the most valuable thing: believe in yourself! After all, you have something to love and respect. This means that sooner or later you will be loved and respected.