Parents need to take care of the issue of career guidance for a teenager as early as possible. Help your child make informed, correct choices.

Step 1
Encourage your teen to try his or her skills in various areas of life. Let him not stop there and periodically try himself in something new. The main thing is that he does not give up a new lesson halfway through, it is necessary to achieve some results, overcoming the first difficulties, only then, if desired, to move on.
Step 2
To understand what a teenager wants to do in life, it is necessary to take an active interest in certain professions. Encourage him to collect information, learn about all the pros and cons of the profession of interest. You can talk to people who are already in a specialty of interest, if possible, visit workplaces, see how the work is going from the inside, at least a little plunge into the atmosphere.
Step 3
It is wrong when parents are trying to independently choose a profession for a teenager, based on their worldview and principles, even with the best intentions. You can only advise, indicate options. If the child asks for advice, give your opinion, but do not insist on your personal decision. The teenager himself must make a choice based on his desires and capabilities. After all, this is his life and you cannot live it in his place.
Step 4
You should not criticize even the most, in your opinion, unworthy ideas about the profession. Let the teenager try himself, make mistakes, learn from his personal experience. Only in this way will he finally be able to understand what he is looking for in life, what to strive for and what profession to devote himself to in order to enjoy and benefit from the work.
Step 5
If a child has serious difficulties with choosing a profession, he has no idea what he wants to do, you can contact a career guidance specialist who, during the conversation, will point out to the teenager his strengths and weaknesses and indicate the specialties where he can realize himself. There are many trainings on which, with the help of surveys and testing, it is easier to decide, choose the right direction.
Step 6
Foster independence in your child. From childhood, form in him moral values, personal ideals and aspirations. Teach you to make independent decisions, the child should always have his own opinion. The adolescent must be driven by inner convictions.