The variety of educational institutions in the Russian Federation presents adolescents and their parents with a difficult task in choosing a profession. How not to be mistaken with the choice?

Each parent sees their children as successful professionals with reliable and decent earnings. On whose shoulders does the responsibility of choosing a future specialty - parents or children - lie? Very often we hear from adolescents the answer to the question "why did you choose this specialty"? - “the parents wanted it”.
As a rule, parents are afraid to shift some of the responsibility onto their children, and they make a big mistake. It is no coincidence that the term "professional self-determination" exists in psychology. Talk to your child about what he would like to do in the future. Perhaps he will point you to his strengths and special abilities, which will certainly manifest and develop in the chosen profession. In no case criticize or laugh at the choice of your child. Ask why he is attracted to this choice. The main task of parents is to form in the adolescent the feeling that it is he who owns the choice of a profession.
This is certainly not an easy task. Many adolescents represent the world of professions incompletely, fragmentarily or unrealistically. Usually young people are attracted to fashionable professions, such as fashion model, singer, actor, etc. As a rule, in such situations, parents begin to put pressure on the child with the "right" choice - to independently decide which profession will be optimal for their child.
Quite often, adults take full responsibility for the professional future of their children. However, do not forget that in this case, the downside will also appear. A teenager who enrolled in college on the instructions of his parents is, as a rule, less interested in acquiring the necessary knowledge, studying becomes a burdensome duty for him, and he is not studying for himself. And, conversely, with the feeling of an independent choice of a specialty, a teenager strives to acquire knowledge.
In conclusion, I would like to note that no matter how much adolescents strive for independence, the main thing for them is the feeling of support from their parents.