In the modern world, a huge number of opportunities and prospects are revealed to children, and each child has a choice of who he wants to become in the future. Every parent dreams that the child will achieve something worthwhile and meaningful in life, and worries about whether in the future their child will be able to arrange his life and find a successful and interesting job. That is why, today more and more parents are paying attention to vocational guidance of children, which allows you to determine what the child is drawn to, what interests him, what future he sees ahead.

Step 1
Don't make a massive mistake - don't choose your children's future for them. Your children are not an object for fulfilling your unfulfilled dreams. Give your child the opportunity to choose his own path on his own, listen to his opinion in order to understand what he wants to get out of life, and who he wants to become.
Step 2
Do not force the child to follow a path that he did not choose. Remember that the main thing in the profession is not wages, but the pleasure that the child will receive from his work in the future. People work to live, not live to work - therefore, if a person does not enjoy work, he will never be able to succeed in it and earn any serious amount of money. Let your child choose a profession based on their own feelings and intuition.
Step 3
It is very important to speak with your child in a language that he understands. Do not appeal to difficult and incomprehensible terms that do not mean anything to the child - help him show his creativity and talents, comment on his decisions and successes so that the child understands you.
Step 4
Do not use abstract words in communication with a child - he will not understand phrases about duty, responsibility, position in society. Let him express his own opinion, and this opinion may be different from yours. Children should not be afraid to argue with their parents - accept their ideas, since your children are people of a new era, which means that their ideas and priorities are completely different from yours.
Step 5
Observe your child carefully from early childhood - this will help determine what he is most interested in, what he is drawn to, what games he prefers, and what activities give him the most pleasure. The main thing is to have a talent for any profession, and only then you need to get the necessary theoretical and practical skills.
Step 6
If the child has decided to choose a particular profession, do not discourage him, do not frighten him with failures - support the child. He should not be afraid of difficulties - he begins his independent path in the adult world, and the support of parents who do not impose their opinions on him is very important here. Respect the choice of your child - perhaps it is he who will make him happy.