It is imperative to make a bun if such a desire arose. With its help, it will be easier to learn new words, tell fairy tales and play various mini performances. And in sewing it is very simple.

Step 1
Prepare the material. In order to sew a kolobok, you can use absolutely any material. Fleece, knitwear, chintz, flannel, as well as a bike and plush will do. You can also take absolutely any colors. It will also be interesting to look a bun with polka dots or in a cage.
Step 2
The eyes, nose and mouth of the future kolobok can be made from buttons and beads, or embroidered with floss threads. For a bang and chupchik, yarn or threads, as well as twine and soft wire, will perfectly come off. The chupchik or bangs are gathered into a bun and sewn in the middle for fixation. If the bun is feminine, then you can also sew a bow on top.
Step 3
Draw a pattern. It's simple enough. For the torso, you need two pieces of handles and legs. We need 2 details (eyes) of any light color that differed from the main one, and also 2 details (eyes), but already of a dark color.
Step 4
After all the parts are cut out, they must be sewn with the corresponding halves. For this procedure, it is best to use a buttonhole stitch. You do not need to wind up the halves completely. It is required to leave small gaps in order to fill an empty part inside with cotton wool, holofiber, synthetic winterizer or any other filler.
Step 5
After the parts are sewn together, but with a different seam. A hidden one is best.
Step 6
Make your cheeks rosy. Embroider the freckles or crush the brown and red lead on paper, mix and apply with a cotton swab to the fabric.