How To Win His Heart In 10 Days

How To Win His Heart In 10 Days
How To Win His Heart In 10 Days

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One of the most popular women's topics is "How to win the heart of a man you like in a short time?" But every man is different. If one representative of the stronger sex likes a certain type of women, this does not mean that the other man is also crazy about them. There are still a few proven feminine tricks that can help you win the heart of your beloved man.

How to win his heart in 10 days
How to win his heart in 10 days


Step 1

First of all, you need to become a friend for a man, an irreplaceable advisor. He must understand that communicating with you is a great pleasure, perhaps even a benefit, if you can give him a lot of useful information. Of course, for this you need to find out what your loved one is interested in, where he works. Master the topic of interest to him, perhaps making your own conclusions on certain points, and proceed to the first communication. A pleasant conversation imperceptibly for the man himself should develop into a desire to see you again. If you can impress him as a pleasant companion, then consider that you have mastered halfway to a man's heart. Each subsequent meeting will tie him more and more to you.

Step 2

Uncertainty attracts any person, and a woman-mystery acts like a magnet on a man. To create the impression of an unusual woman, you can use the principle of "every meeting is different." That is, you have to become a bit of an actress, to show in yourself one or the other qualities. For example, you can be a cold, unapproachable person, a hot sexy brunette, gentle or, on the contrary, sharp on the tongue. The constant change of image will assure your chosen one that you are a very diverse personality. Men are polygamous by nature and love the diversity of women around them.

Step 3

Men like to be supported in everything. When communicating, try to praise your chosen one, unobtrusively admire his merits and actions. Just know the measure in your compliments, otherwise the effect may be created that you are too intrusive and try in any way to deserve his attention.

Step 4

A perfect example for all women is the tale of Cinderella. At the ball, she attracted the attention of the prince, conquered him with her beauty, innocence, tenderness, and then at the right moment she simply disappeared, leaving only a small thread to search for - a shoe. Similarly, it is worth doing for women who want to quickly win the heart of a man they like. Captivate, interest, and then dissolve into the unknown, but be sure to leave some clue so that the prince can find you. If he does not show initiative in the search, and you left a good clue, think - is he your destiny?
