A rare mother does not dream that her child is not happy - but sometimes it happens that parents do not quite understand what the happiness of their child is, and make wrong decisions, due to which the child lacks love and care, but his real needs remain unfulfilled.

Step 1
Very often, parents confuse their child's social success and place in society with the true happiness of their child, and also strive for the child to become the embodiment of their unfulfilled desires.
Step 2
Perceive the child not as an extension of your own life, but as a separate unique person who has an individuality, and who has his own destiny and his own path in life. The child will not be happy walking your path - give him the opportunity to choose interests and hobbies on his own.
Step 3
Help your child develop, but do not change their focus. Your upbringing should be, first of all, support - the child should always feel safe, and know that you will approve of any of his undertakings and will help if necessary.
Step 4
Fulfill the baby's cognitive needs - if he asks, always answer, and also do not separate the child from the natural environment. Let him take flowers and stones with his hands, run barefoot on the ground, splash in puddles - in this way, the child masters the world around him.
Step 5
Teach your child to communicate with people around them - both with adults and with peers, and also teach the child that your love and respect is a constant unit, and it does not need to be earned. Likewise, a child should not “sell” his love to you for another toy he bought.
Step 6
Watch your lifestyle, behavior, and your habits - the child unconsciously repeats the model of behavior of his parents, and if it is wrong, the child will grow up forming the wrong style of behavior. One of these habits can be unhealthy nutrition - teach your child from childhood to eat healthy food by your own example, and also try to observe the daily routine. If a child learns to go to bed and get up at the same time as a child, in the future he will be able to easily adapt to the study and work routine.
Step 7
Remember that the child will be happy only when you are happy. Children tolerate the feelings of their parents well, and if you are constantly stressed and unhappy, the child will not be able to be happy. Only the atmosphere of joy and love in the family can give him this feeling.
Step 8
Constantly give your child the opportunity to feel your love, sometimes make him pleasant surprises that develop his creative and intellectual abilities - for example, give your child unusual and useful toys and books that are appropriate for the baby's age. Giving your child a toy, start mastering it with him - playing together with parents will give the child a lot of joy and pleasure.