How To Ignite A Man

How To Ignite A Man
How To Ignite A Man

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If you want to not only attract, interest a man for a while, but also stay in his life for a long time, kindle his feelings, fall in love with yourself, you need to know and follow one rule called "bottom, heart, head". And you need to follow it in this sequence, then the result will exceed all expectations. The instruction may seem unusual, abstract, sometimes even cynical, but many professional psychologists agree with it.

How to ignite a man
How to ignite a man


A man, his lower torso (groin), his heart and head


Step 1

The first feeling that a man has for you is called passion. Physical attraction is what drives him at the very beginning. The energy through which passion is born is, oddly enough, in the groin. Sexual attraction initially motivates actions and determines the behavior of a man in the first place. In principle, at this stage it is not difficult to kindle a man, almost all women can cope with this. To do this, you need to look good, dress correctly (just not vulgar - it is, on the contrary, repulsive), be able to attract the attention of a male, be a good lover.

Step 2

When you have successfully dealt with it, go to his heart. Here, turn on all your charm, femininity, complaisance. Do things that can surprise, amaze, interest him. Be kind, sympathetic, humane, take care of him, support and praise him. Just be sure to praise, men love it - they rarely get compliments, so they always remember about them. In this way, you will win his heart. At this stage of the relationship, you say that the man has fallen in love with you.

Step 3

And how to make a man fall in love with you? To do this, you need to be in his head. This is the most difficult stage of the relationship, and few manage to reach it. To do this, you need to be a very smart interlocutor, guess his desires, be wise and reasonable. You need to be well versed in people, be an independent and self-sufficient person. Learn to get along with his close circle, try to impress not only him, but also his friends, perhaps parents, if you already know them. Do extraordinary deeds, be special, not like anyone else. Be a passionate nature, love your job, if you have one, let you have some hobbies of your own. So the man will be interested with you, and he will start thinking about you. If you managed to kindle it at this stage, then this fire between you will burn for a very long time.
